Being in highschool, I would like everyone to stop making speculations about who needs abortions, and who doesn't. In my honest opinion, you don't even need a condom to prevent accidental babies, if you were dumb enough to have useless sex in high-school (which many high-schoolers are doing now-adays, trust me, I see this type of **** every day in the hall ways, if I had a dollar for all the people sucking face, I would be richer then Bill Gates himself) and couldn't even have enough control to pull out in time, and can't notice whether or not your condom is broken (if you use one) you deserve all that's coming to you.
Stop the abortions for the high-schoolers and make them suffer for their mistakes, hopefully they will learn their lesson.
All the others=ok
In truth, I honestly don't think that, it's just me ranting, but abortion should be legal, because at a certain point, a child is still just a piece of genetic material not yet alive in the sense that we know, just basic cellular operations. Abortions in some cases are neccessary, particularly for rape, or cases where the child cannot be supported. Also, we are not over-populated as some may say, the planet Earth can still easily support 2 to 3 times the number of people currently inhabiting it, if all the war-fare and religion-based violence stopped, and if all of the countries would convert to a capitalistic, free form of government with freedom and liberty for all it's people. Technology is already easily allowing us to produce super-foods which can make it through harsh climates and weather, and which yield more food for less work. Genetically enhanched crops and live-stock, pestisides that help the crops to survive, and cloning of essential live-stock are all ways to help end hunger, there is nothing wrong with these methods either, people are just disgusted or too afraid to admit it works, so reject it. People's ignorance to the pursuit of science and new technology are a major factor in many of today's problems.
As for universal health-care and welfare. I am all for helping the poor, but I don't want higher taxes just so they could do more for hobo's, many of whom don't do a single thing to get themselves out of their poverty. Same with health-care. The United States is only going to get richer and more powerful and prosperous if people actually try, the more government hand-outs you give people, the closer you are to communism, and as history has taught us time and again, communism DOES NOT work. As it has also taught us, democracy and freedom DO work, so it's common sense that you'd want to lean more away from lots of government hand-outs and lean more towards less of them. You still want to keep a good balance though.
Also, if I could vote, I would vote for whom ever is closer to the center of the political scale, regardless of political party. Seeing as I am not of legal voting age yet, I am better off not giving it too much thought, it's beyond my control anyways. This topic should be locked