3D File issues


Member DIN
So I'm trying to update my Master Chief with the chest model from the Halo series provided by the great MoeSizzlac, however I'm new to actually messing around with cutting down files to separate and print. In the past I've used meshmixer and just done the plane cut and separate the halves. However, when I separated the front chest from the back piece, I used a series of 4 cuts to get the front angles at the top and the bottom angles. I was able to print the whole chest in one go on my Kobra 2 Max (which came out great!) However, the back piece is saying there are errors in the file, and won't print properly.

I'm asking if anyone has experience with fixing the errors to be able to print the files (in the past when I've had this type of error, it did not effect the printing). I'm hoping to not have to re-do the entire split and reprint the front, but it thats what it takes then I'm all for it. How does everyone else split front pieces from back pieces?

Sorry I don't have pics of the errors, I'm not at my home computer but will try and post them later today.
Pic of the front chest piece that worked:
Most of the time, it's either the mesh is open, or in the case of cuts, it can be something to do with how the software made the cut. You may need to re-cut it, but as long as the scaling is set the same you shouldn't need to re-print the front. If the mesh is broken, there are tools online that will fix it
What slicer are you using and what error is it throwing up?
tried it first with the anycubic slicer, and doing the back as one piece on its side the issue is with some of the horizontal layers. when I split the back into two pieces, there are whole sections that disappear when I slice them for the gcode.
Figured I'd come back with one of the sites. if you saved the back as it's own file, upload it here and it should fix your issue: Free online stl repair tool
Thanks! yeah I think part of the problem is the mesh is open. I've done stuff like this before with other pieces, and would see the error of "this might not work" but it usually would work :lol:. Not this time I guess lol. I'll see if that will fix the file
tried it first with the anycubic slicer, and doing the back as one piece on its side the issue is with some of the horizontal layers. when I split the back into two pieces, there are whole sections that disappear when I slice them for the gcode.
I used Prusa's slicer before I got my BambuLab, but almost all of the slicers are built on the same base nowadays lol
Thanks! yeah I think part of the problem is the mesh is open. I've done stuff like this before with other pieces, and would see the error of "this might not work" but it usually would work :lol:. Not this time I guess lol. I'll see if that will fix the file
Yeah tends to be the more common cause. I run into it occasionally, but if your slicer is truly worth anything it'll have the option to repair built in
tried it first with the anycubic slicer, and doing the back as one piece on its side the issue is with some of the horizontal layers. when I split the back into two pieces, there are whole sections that disappear when I slice them for the gcode.
IIRC the Anycubic slicer is just a fork of the Slic3r) family so if you're on Windows you should have the option of right-clicking the model and selecting "Fix through Netfabb" or use the tool ColonelPanic linked to if that option isn't available.

You might also be able to just reorient the model and see if that fixes the problem. Sometimes the slicer's able to solve for the non-manifold edges itself.
Yeah tends to be the more common cause. I run into it occasionally, but if your slicer is truly worth anything it'll have the option to repair built in
Yeah I've seen reviews of anycubic slicer being a bit basic and lacking features, but its the only one I know of that has the profile for the Kobra 2 Max. I might look at the prusa slicer or maybe orcaslicer.

The free stl repair can't fix the file because its too big :(
Yeah I've seen reviews of anycubic slicer being a bit basic and lacking features, but its the only one I know of that has the profile for the Kobra 2 Max. I might look at the prusa slicer or maybe orcaslicer.

The free stl repair can't fix the file because its too big :(
See if you can cut that piece up even further and reorient?
Windows also has the 3d builder built into it that can fix it too. same sot of deal, but it's local and shouldn't really have a file size limit
IIRC the Anycubic slicer is just a fork of the Slic3r) family so if you're on Windows you should have the option of right-clicking the model and selecting "Fix through Netfabb" or use the tool ColonelPanic linked to if that option isn't available.

You might also be able to just reorient the model and see if that fixes the problem. Sometimes the slicer's able to solve for the non-manifold edges itself.
Reorienting ended up just moving and escalating the issues lol
Reorienting ended up just moving and escalating the issues lol
Gotta love when attempting to fix one bug creates 25 more lol. Definitely look at a different slicer once you get this solved. Prusa has configs for all sorts of printers from different brands so I'd be surprised if they didn't have yours
Seems to have fixed the issue! Thanks all for the assistance. Now to just get the tree supports to stay on the build plate and not try to start off the plate. A different slicer should fix this shouldn't it?
Seems to have fixed the issue! Thanks all for the assistance. Now to just get the tree supports to stay on the build plate and not try to start off the plate. A different slicer should fix this shouldn't it?
PrusaSlicer or Orca Slicer are what I've had best results with; Orca Slicer *should* have a profile for the Kobra 2 Max already. You can set up your tree supports to have brims that will help bed adhesion. Both have the "First Layer Expansion" setting under the Supports tab which let you control the brim's size.

Also, schmearing a little Elmer's Glue Stick on the bed don't hurt. ;)
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