3d gundam

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Ok heres what I got so far, its the head cod and shield im not sure if you will like the way the shield is but I think if you can find a way to get it all to peice together it will be a stronger shield that can take some beating and not get destroyed. If theres any problems let me know i will work on them later before starting the rest.

Awesome work on the Cod piece Ein! very close to the model and a very good model for pepping.

The Helmet i just have a few things. I was looking at the pics on google of the Sazabi and there are 3 things that i want to point out and if you can fix it in the model that would be awesome.
1. The little horns on the top, they stick straight up not slanted to the back and they come out not all the way at the front like a Gundam would but they come out slightly back towards the crest of the head.
2. Chin: Can you make it more straight and pointed? by the pics it doesn't look like it should be pointing outward at all.
3. Bridge of the nose: Make it more flat. The eye socket only has one eye in the anime but it moves side to side so the eye part needs to be like a rectangle and the bridge of the nose comes up and disrupts it.

If you need any picture reference to what i am talking about let me know and ill upload some for you.

The Shield i will have to examine more closely when i have a little more time on my hands, but so far it looks really good!
Yea I would like to see those pics this one of the few I've never really seen so im not sure what it looks like.
I got the right leg done didnt really have time to get anything else done, although the gun and backpack seemed fine so I guess thats 3 down today just the chest and arms and left leg left. Im hoping to get this and maybe one other full model done by the end of the month cuz by then im really going to focus on my alex build I will still try and push out some of these but they will be at a slower pace. Also if theres any suggestions on which one to do after this let me know.
Alright ein385 here is the pics for those spots:



After looking at these pics the two little horns out of the top of the head look okay but i will let you be the judge of if you want to change it all. Hope these help.


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Ok well I will slowly work on that and if I can get it to a decent looking model that I think looks good for pep then I will send it your way. But I am working on the RX-79(G) it is all split up and im going through and putting in the holes where they need to be, I have the back pack, shield, and bazooka done, I almost had the whole left arm done and 3ds max crashed so I have to start it all over. I will be working on this most of the day so im hoping to have all of it later tonight, I will send you what I have now shadow so you have something to work on while I finish it up.
Ok I just sent all the files to Shadow so its all up to him to get the RX-79(G) Ground Type Gundam out for us all.
Sorry for not replying or posting anything within the last couple of days. I have been sick and i am currently doing the props for the College's production of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night so i have been uber busy.

I will get on the RX-79[G] as soon as i can.
Hey everyone,
I've been a member here for a bit, haven't done much... Words cannot express how I felt when I came back here and found this thread!
I don't know how long I have been searching on the net for files and such for gundam pepa.
I'm currently working on the Rx-78-2. I have the helmet done.
I also have the pepakura designer and a licence so I can help with unfolding if you need it. I also wondered if shadow still had those files that had been spoken about before, The Zaku and Tallgeese and such.

I'm really excited to find other people working on gundam suits!
I will post the few finished models I have tomorrow or so. It will be the RX-79(G), unless Shadow says hes already working on it then I will leave it out, Zaku II, and Gundam Heavyarms I might be able to get one more in there but I dnt know which one I will do.
Holly Molly! I'm trying to take the helmet for the deathscythe and make it pepa friendly, but there is so much junk to edit out! I'm talking about the unneeded faces and the like on the inside of the helmet.
The program I am using is metasequoia. Maybe I'm missing a feature and am doing it the hard way... but dang!!!!
It'd be really useful if I could just select the outside faces and copy them and delete the rest...
Okay, so first off i would like to apologize for my long absence. Mid-terms are coming up and i have been hard at work memorizing stuff.

I have not been able to touch anything from the RX-79[G] just yet but i hope to after midterms are over with.

@chibi64: Wonderful to have you on board! So far before you posted it was pretty much me unfolding the Gundams and making them public. YURI has helped a bit with some unfolds of his model he made and ein has been my point man for breaking up the models because my other friend has not been able to do much with the modeling. So once again Welcome!

My plan is to get these Gundams out to the costuming community so we have more variety within costuming. So i thank everyone who just joined up to help and also for those that have been helping for a while on all the work they have done!

thats all for now, i will probably be checking up as much as i can but i am pretty busy right now.

As I said before, I'm working on taking apart and dismembering both Sand Rock and Deathscythe. Bit on the confusing side, sand rock has like a random half of its faces inverted and the Deathscythe is about the same. Anyone out there with any tips or pointers on 3d model manipulation, your help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey shadow don't worry about it those things are way more important then getting these files to people. Chibi that was the same problem I had so I looked for diffent models and stuff becase the way those files are would take months,for me atlease, to fix to get them out to people. Also heres the pack I said I would post personally I would like someone to start on the Zaku II, but it includes the RX-79(G) and Gundam Heavyarms as well as 2 cockpit styles incase some wanted to try and make there costume as detailed as I plan to. These might be the last ones I finish up for awhile I got some things I need to do and will start back up when I finish them but this should hold you guys over for awhile.

Awesome, Thanks for that! I"ll try to start on the Zaku as soon as I can. It's the one I wanted to do net anyways. :)
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