3D Model Requests

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Spartan5511 said:
Skip has one, but you will have to pay for it. I think it is like 12-15 US dollars. And his commando armor is like $45. Just search Skips Pepakura into google and you should find it. Unless someone here modles it and gives it out for free that is.

i e-mailed skip, he doesn't sell the 3D file.

he only sells a pep template.

i'm building a wooden rifle so i need the file for measurements and the pep template isn't a very good way to get measurements.
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Ahhh I see, well sorry then lol. I'm of no further use. Good luck with it though!


I agree, the Deece is pretty good, just needs a pistol-grip and trigger (You can't really use a gun without those) haha. The armor is ok.... good luck editing it!

Oh while its on my mind, are you a good unfolder? Cause you could just unfold A1TD's armor set, it is pretty accurate from what I can tell, just needs to be unfolded.
Pip Bernadotte said:
I'm looking for pepakura/papercraft files for Sephiroth's Shoulder Pauldrons from Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children.

image: http://www.399animeshop.com/sephiroth-poster.jpg


Give me a day or two and I'll get that for you.

EDIT: I have a request for you guys to hunt down for me I'm looking the Metal Gargoyle armor from the show Gargoyles that Xanatos wears for a few episodes, if anyone finds it I'm looking to download the 3d model or but the 3d model.
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I've been trying to unfold A1TD's RC Chest, but I don;t like that the cod is attached to the chest. It's on my VERY long "to-do" list.

For skip's Deece, Try taking an orthographical (That's how it's spelled?) shot of the mesh (turn the fold threshold to 179 or 180) and print it out. Enlarge it, and that should be fine for all measurements. If he says it's ok, you might be able to import it into a CAD program, but I dunno.
Boba Fett said:
For skip's Deece, Try taking an orthographical (That's how it's spelled?) shot of the mesh (turn the fold threshold to 179 or 180) and print it out. Enlarge it, and that should be fine for all measurements. If he says it's ok, you might be able to import it into a CAD program, but I dunno.

I never bought the file.

i considered doing what you are talking about but i wanted to wait and see if i could find a ripped file.

he siad i couldn't have the 3D file. (he was going to give it to me in a locked .PDO format)
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Nintendude said:
@Boba no need to work on that DC-17 I posted earlier get the one from the link below

@Shmalofan when you make this out of whatever material you make it out of I would like one as well if that is possible.


Ah that tis a beauty! A little sough in spots, but over all very nice!

And for the armor, well, you sir, are amazing. This just made my day. Now all I need are a few decent reference pics of the torso, scale it, and pep away!
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Nintendude said:
@Boba no need to work on that DC-17 I posted earlier get the one from the link below

@Shmalofan when you make this out of whatever material you make it out of I would like one as well if that is possible.


do you know if that is a ripped file?

also, when you say you 'would like one as well' do you mean a cast? :) (i'm planning on molding it) casting in smoothcast 320
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Spartan5511 said:
Ah that tis a beauty! A little sough in spots, but over all very nice!

And for the armor, well, you sir, are amazing. This just made my day. Now all I need are a few decent reference pics of the torso, scale it, and pep away!

Should be scaled for a 6 foot person since I measured myself for it from shoulder to below my crotch area to get 26 inches.

shmalofan said:
do you know if that is a ripped file?

also, when you say you 'would like one as well' do you mean a cast? :) (i'm planning on molding it) casting in smoothcast 320

Yes it is a ripped file I got it from one of my friends over at facepunch and yes I would like a cast.
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Ok well I'm 5'9" so I guess that will do, allow for some growing and the wearing of clothes.

Is that Deece you linked to scale? I might try to pep it
Spartan5511 said:
Ok well I'm 5'9" so I guess that will do, allow for some growing and the wearing of clothes.

Is that Deece you linked to scale? I might try to pep it

The DC-17 I linked to has not been scaled yet but here are diffrent barrels included with the file. If you mean if it is linked to scale with the chest file then no the DC-17 and the RC Chest are on two diffrent scale ratios.
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Yeah I noticed lol. And I also noticed that they need to be unfolded, so I can't really ask if it is to scale if it is not unfolded haha
There I took care of the hard part now someone else needs to unfold the barrels and clips and it'll be done. Not sure if I scaled it right, but should be close.

Nintendude said:
There I took care of the hard part now someone else needs to unfold the barrels and clips and it'll be done. Not sure if I scaled it right, but should be close.


Thank you very much. Now would I just use the scale factor upon unfolding the others? Or will that not work?
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@Pip- I've got the shoulders should be done today.

@Spartan5511- The scale factor should work with the rest of the parts.
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