3D printed Spartan build

On the Kobra 2 Max, I'm liking it overall. I wasn't having any issues really until the clogging happened. It's happened again around yesterday actually but I'd say that I just didn't clean it out thoroughly enough.
The speed and build volume easily make up the value of the printer though in all fairness. One thing to not discount though is the inertia, due to the speed it can get a bit of momentum going so you'd want a solid table under it to support it. I've heard of some people just putting it on the floor for this reason.
It also EATS filament, I've completely stopped using 1kg filament rolls just as I'm printing things all-in-one and due to the fact that it's at such a high speed. I use mostly 3kg rolls now that tend to last much longer but need an external holder (the included filament holder can't support the weight or width of the larger roll)
Does it have the auto stop if the filament runs out, or does it keep going? That might be one of our next investments for armor. The prospect of having large armor pieces done in one go is nice
Does it have the auto stop if the filament runs out, or does it keep going? That might be one of our next investments for armor. The prospect of having large armor pieces done in one go is nice
Yeah it also comes with a filament sensor, it's saved a few of my prints already. It can be a bit annoying to restart as you have to sit next to it and feed filament to it for 2 mins afterward but the time it saves covers that.
Update 21-1-24:

After a little while off I restarted the Kobra 2 and much to my dismay it failed the print 1/2 way through.
Long story short I had to disassemble the extruder down to the last screw to find the issue. Turns out that a piece of the blue tubing that goes around the filament through the heating element was worn down and somehow got partially melted.
With the printer (god willing) back up and running, I can hopefully get back on track to complete this suit by March, going to have to pick up the pace to make up for the lost time!

More updates ASAP ;)
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Oh no! I hate when stuff like that happens. Just make as schedule and try to plan out prints to maximize the time
Update 29-1-24:

While getting side tracked on a separate project (Death Korps Helmet, check out that thread too!) I had my printer gunning it to get through some new parts for the suit, mostly replacements for mis-scaled or messy prints. I've once again changed my helmet and am now going with the Halo Reach Recon helmet (Up armour and uplink module as well of course). I'll finish the Air Assault helmet another time. I just wasn't quite happy with how the seams and other parts came out as it was still quite bumpy and unsmooth. The Recon helmet was printed all-in-one so no more seams! I just need to cover it with wood filler and get sanding!
The other piece of armour on the chopping block is the Commando shoulder, I only just noticed that Moe linked a better one in his page for Carter on Thingiverse. That will be printed as soon as I get more filament (2x3kg rolls of PLA on route).
The chest, cod and butt pieces will need to be printed after that as well. I've sliced the chest to be printed all-in-one (scary thought of that failing). I've been avoiding printing another shin piece just as I haven't had good experiences trying to use magnets to secure things, I've rescaled it again and it looks good on the Armoursmith model now though. I'll just have to bite the bullet and print them at some point!


(ignore the messy printing space :lol:)

(3 generations of helmets, oldest to the left, newest to the right)
Halo 5 scout, Halo Reach Air Assault, Halo Reach Recon

Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated!
Update 30-1-24:

I've finally locked in a final set of armour and a colour scheme using Vanity.

I saw a similar paint style on another person's armour (can't remember your name right now, sorry!) and I like the vibe of it.
Screenshot (10).png

Here's the armour in Armorsmith, most of the parts are printed at this point but need sanding.
I have yet to print a chest, properly get the calves, redo the shoulders and do the cod/butt pieces.
Sooooooooo we're getting there, slowly.

I've just received a further 6kgs of PLA (holy PLA batman!) to hopefully finish out the armour with. Some of my friends will be helping with the mountain of sanding work that lays ahead of me thankfully, I'd be here for MONTHS without their help.

More updates soon!
Update 29-1-24:

While getting side tracked on a separate project (Death Korps Helmet, check out that thread too!) I had my printer gunning it to get through some new parts for the suit, mostly replacements for mis-scaled or messy prints. I've once again changed my helmet and am now going with the Halo Reach Recon helmet (Up armour and uplink module as well of course). I'll finish the Air Assault helmet another time. I just wasn't quite happy with how the seams and other parts came out as it was still quite bumpy and unsmooth. The Recon helmet was printed all-in-one so no more seams! I just need to cover it with wood filler and get sanding!
The other piece of armour on the chopping block is the Commando shoulder, I only just noticed that Moe linked a better one in his page for Carter on Thingiverse. That will be printed as soon as I get more filament (2x3kg rolls of PLA on route).
The chest, cod and butt pieces will need to be printed after that as well. I've sliced the chest to be printed all-in-one (scary thought of that failing). I've been avoiding printing another shin piece just as I haven't had good experiences trying to use magnets to secure things, I've rescaled it again and it looks good on the Armoursmith model now though. I'll just have to bite the bullet and print them at some point!

View attachment 341179
(ignore the messy printing space :lol:)
View attachment 341180
(3 generations of helmets, oldest to the left, newest to the right)
Halo 5 scout, Halo Reach Air Assault, Halo Reach Recon

Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated!
That Recon print is CLEAN, looks like the Kobra is really working well for you! Awesome work so far.
Update 5-2-24:

Back again with another update for you!

I've finally printed my chest piece and have gotten it mostly cleaned and nearly ready for the body filler phase. It took 115 hours ( I expected it to take 20 more from the slicer's estimations) and it came out pretty clean. I did get quite a few small layer shifts as the print got to around the top of the neck area but that's nothing that enough sanding can't fix. I'm inbetween having it open by parachute clips or by magnets, leaning more towards the clips now just so that things won't stick to the areas and for ease of actually putting them together. I'll have to hacksaw the chest in half soon which is pretty daunting.

(The new chest next to my old AndrewDFT ODST foam chest)

My Recon helmet is also doing rather well at the moment, I coated the whole thing with body filler to fill in those pesky layer lines. I've mostly sanded it down but I'll still want to go over it again with a dremel to get any small areas before I even think of going for the epoxy coat (going to have to get a LOAD more epoxy to finish this build). I bought a mouse sander as the random orbit sander was just a bit too large for the small areas on certain armour pieces. I've fallen in love with using it as opposed to regular sandpaper, it's so much faster!

I've also made some progress on my thighs, I've coated and sanded those with the last of my wood filler so they're nearly ready for epoxy as well. I still have yet to get a pouch for the left thigh's mounting point though. That's further down on the to-do list though.

I still need to figure out the strapping situation but I have an old Airsoft chest rig that I can hopefully attach everything to, forearms should just be friction fit but everything else will require stapping, which will take a while to figure out. All I need to print now is the shins, cod, butt plate and boot pieces. It's looking like it'll be a bit tight on time but I should make it (hopefully) on time for Dublin Comic Con for the 9-10th of march.

More updates coming soon as now the printer is free to work on other components now.
Any advice is greatly appreciated (especially on strapping!)

Have a good day lads! ;)
Update 2-5-24: (The prodigal son returns)

Lads I apologise for the lack of progress updates, I've been super busy with school and exams for the last 2 months or so. Soon enough I'll be through my exams and free to get chugging away at the project.

I absolutely blew past the March 10th goal but that's grand as there's another DCC in August that I'm hoping to attend.
I got a load of epoxy, sandpaper and other supplies for the suit, so all that's holding me back is air and opportunity!

Here's the status for the armour pieces currently:

Helmet: Printed, filled, sanded, epoxied, primed, waiting on final sanding go over
Shoulders: Printed
Biceps: Printed
Forearms: printed (may reprint all in one piece yet)
Chest: Printed all in one, cleaned, filled, sanded, primed, going to have to do a fair bit more sanding and body work to get it where I want it.
Thighs: Printed, filled, sanded, epoxied, primed, awaiting last go over
Shins: Not yet printed
Cod: Not yet printed
Butt plate: Not yet printed
Boots: Not yet printed
Carbine: Printed, partially filled, needs much more work before I'll be happy with it.

I primed the Chest, helmet and thighs to fill in some of the smaller layer lines and to make it easier to see some other imperfections in the armour that need work. I'm about happy with most of the front of the chest but the back will require some creativity and a load of bodyfiller. I'll leave the new photos below!


The helmet and one of the thighs (soon to order a RothCo molle ii canteen pouch for the pouch for the softcase).

The Chest (feat my garden, it was a glorious day). You can see the layer lines pretty clearly still, I'll have to work on it.

The back of the chest, I've gotten most of it carved out from the larger chunks of body filler but it still needs a good bit of smoothing and sanding by hand. Dreading the moment when I'll have to cut it in half to fit clips or magnets :oops:.

Hopefully more updates coming soon, any advice is appreciated!
Big shot in the dark here: here's a way for you to cheat those flat surfaces, and I mean cheat.

You can print a thin one-layer sheet covering the entire usable area of your print surface. It can be as thin as .2mm or even .16mm. Make sure you've got your z-offset and solid infill line width really dialed in so that layer is nice and smooth.

You can use this sheet to cover those big flat surfaces - just cut it to the desired shape and bond it right on top. At .2mm and thinner you can easily cut it with scissors - it's like paper. You'd just have to make sure that any raised areas on the part you want to cover are knocked down so the sheet lays flat.
The reason you want your solid infill line width tuned for this is to make sure that your lines don't squish against each too much that they create little peaks and valleys. You want the top nice and smooth to minimize any sanding and filler work. Also, if you want that textured Plasti-Dip look you can use the underside. ;)

You can use a plastic welder or soldering iron to blend the edges down and make it look seamless.
Update 2-5-24: (The prodigal son returns)

Lads I apologise for the lack of progress updates, I've been super busy with school and exams for the last 2 months or so. Soon enough I'll be through my exams and free to get chugging away at the project.

I absolutely blew past the March 10th goal but that's grand as there's another DCC in August that I'm hoping to attend.
I got a load of epoxy, sandpaper and other supplies for the suit, so all that's holding me back is air and opportunity!

Here's the status for the armour pieces currently:

Helmet: Printed, filled, sanded, epoxied, primed, waiting on final sanding go over
Shoulders: Printed
Biceps: Printed
Forearms: printed (may reprint all in one piece yet)
Chest: Printed all in one, cleaned, filled, sanded, primed, going to have to do a fair bit more sanding and body work to get it where I want it.
Thighs: Printed, filled, sanded, epoxied, primed, awaiting last go over
Shins: Not yet printed
Cod: Not yet printed
Butt plate: Not yet printed
Boots: Not yet printed
Carbine: Printed, partially filled, needs much more work before I'll be happy with it.

I primed the Chest, helmet and thighs to fill in some of the smaller layer lines and to make it easier to see some other imperfections in the armour that need work. I'm about happy with most of the front of the chest but the back will require some creativity and a load of bodyfiller. I'll leave the new photos below!

View attachment 347675
The helmet and one of the thighs (soon to order a RothCo molle ii canteen pouch for the pouch for the softcase).
View attachment 347676
The Chest (feat my garden, it was a glorious day). You can see the layer lines pretty clearly still, I'll have to work on it.
View attachment 347677
The back of the chest, I've gotten most of it carved out from the larger chunks of body filler but it still needs a good bit of smoothing and sanding by hand. Dreading the moment when I'll have to cut it in half to fit clips or magnets :oops:.

Hopefully more updates coming soon, any advice is appreciated!
man you got some mad sanding ahead of you
Big shot in the dark here: here's a way for you to cheat those flat surfaces, and I mean cheat.

You can print a thin one-layer sheet covering the entire usable area of your print surface. It can be as thin as .2mm or even .16mm. Make sure you've got your z-offset and solid infill line width really dialed in so that layer is nice and smooth.

You can use this sheet to cover those big flat surfaces - just cut it to the desired shape and bond it right on top. At .2mm and thinner you can easily cut it with scissors - it's like paper. You'd just have to make sure that any raised areas on the part you want to cover are knocked down so the sheet lays flat.
The reason you want your solid infill line width tuned for this is to make sure that your lines don't squish against each too much that they create little peaks and valleys. You want the top nice and smooth to minimize any sanding and filler work. Also, if you want that textured Plasti-Dip look you can use the underside. ;)

You can use a plastic welder or soldering iron to blend the edges down and make it look seamless.
That's not a bad idea :lol:, I'd say that I'll probably just go with the body filler and copious sanding strategy for the most part but I might have to break this out for any tough spots!
Personally... For the labor and materials cost trying to fix that back, I'd cut the top half off and reprint just that, then glue them together.
Personally... For the labor and materials cost trying to fix that back, I'd cut the top half off and reprint just that, then glue them together.
You know that’s not a actually a bad idea, I might have to do that
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