405th Game Nights

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we need more people to play, IZY AND PIP CAN'T BEAT THEM ALONE!

LOLOLOLOL Looks about right... Doesn't help our teammates were retarded... as per usual...

Ummm Izy can.
Lol what do I look like, a one man army?
Actually... there was a few times I just walked into their based COMPLETELY undetected and either stole their flag or planted a bomb... And this would be against a team just slaughtering us and spawn killing. :p Those kinds of games are awesome, cause in the lobby you hear them yelling "WTF!?!? HOW AND WHEN DID THEY SCORE ON US!?!"

Also I didn't stay on as long as I would have liked to... Life issues came up and junk, kind of more important. Next time though. Will post a correct time too...
Yeah, post up when the next one is and I can activate a 2 day gold memebership :p I hate not having enough free time to justify having a Gold account...

Also, whoever posts the time if you could include your gamertag so I can add you and get into the party that would rock
Yeah, post up when the next one is and I can activate a 2 day gold memebership :p I hate not having enough free time to justify having a Gold account...

Also, whoever posts the time if you could include your gamertag so I can add you and get into the party that would rock

It's primarily Izy who does the hosting so just add her with a message saying who you are. Her GT is the same as her username Hyokenseisou. My gold accounts pretty much down to Netflix use now, I only play Reach with friends so my solo play went down A LOT.
It's primarily Izy who does the hosting so just add her with a message saying who you are. Her GT is the same as her username Hyokenseisou. My gold accounts pretty much down to Netflix use now, I only play Reach with friends so my solo play went down A LOT.
Well at first it was Walter hosting cause he started it all, but then I assume he got to busy with life and so I guess I ended up hosting more? idk how that works. In any case, firstly let me apologize for the last game night... I TOTALLY effed up on the timezones so yeah....

Anyways, I'm having a house warming party (any locals are welcome to come.... or for you non locals... if you REALLY want you fly up here for a weekend, we have couch that folds down to a bed...https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=131262080315188 lolol) and a possible Halo LAN party...
I HOPE my roommate can back up all his talk about how we'll have really super fast internet for really cheap and challenged us to break the 1 terabyte or whatever have, some gay sh** like that... but so far it's just been all smack talk and we're left without internet more than half the time and having to jack it off one of the neighbors. IF (not likely, given his amount of BS seeping out of his face) he gets the 'awesome' internet working and such, and IF they clean up the damn basement, we'll have possibly 3-4 consoles running (we each have our own) and maybe even livestream it (with out 'super awesome internet); so it'd be really great to have 4 consoles running and host a couple big group matches/whatever. But chances are, we might just have the one or two consoles going.

So with that said, I would like to extend my 'halo lan party' part out to you guys, and try have huge groups like we did during the tourny; because that was awesome fun.

So game night on Nov. 18th at 6:00pst (7:00 my time... reminder for me..).
PS, if you won't have me on your friends list yet, you'll need to add me (GT: Hyokenseisou). Please also state that you're from the 405th, otherwise I'll deny the request; I'm up to the point where I only have room for irl friends and 405th, aka people I actually play with, no more randoms.

Sign up by replying here:
-ROK Gmoney
-blackula727 (maybe)
-workbook51 (maybe)

If you're local and would like to come, pm me
Anyone playing Modern Warfare 3? I'm a lot better at that than the Halo's. Use to be good, just discovered Call of Duty and been sucked in ever since. My gamertag is BrownJellyTrail. If anyone wants to play, I'm on pretty much every night.
Anyone care to play some games tonight, be online in about an hour.

My GT: Spase

Send me a message letting me know your from the 405th if your not already on my friendslist and will see what we can do about getting you into some games.
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