405th Game Nights

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i have a school dance tonight it ends at 8 western time so i am not positive but i might be on later tonight around 10 or so
XBL GT: WakeJunkie and if anyone just wants to add me, feel free to just message me saying that you are from the 405th
I think everyone had to leave, my dad comes in and says I have to say hi to a girl from my old school and it ends up being almost forever before I could get back inside... I'm going to step outside for a minute so if anyone comes online just either play a game or something.

Since nobody is on I will give it an hour or so, in the mean time I will eat this pizza and watch some tv
My sis decided to use the laptop tonight. Thats what I get when I decide instead of paying 100 bux I just hook it up to my laptop.
I might play for an hour tonight.

6-7 armor work
7-8 or 9 Reach!
9- how ever long it takes. . . homework
Come play Halo now... or later tonight when you get done doing what ever your doing.... Its my free night this week and I'm gonna play Halo till my fingers hurt....

Been a while since I have had the full party that doesn't betray each other for weapons and vehicles.....

(side notes, moved the thread to to general discussion to be more visible)
Come play Halo now... or later tonight when you get done doing what ever your doing.... Its my free night this week and I'm gonna play Halo till my fingers hurt....

Been a while since I have had the full party that doesn't betray each other for weapons and vehicles.....

(side notes, moved the thread to to general discussion to be more visible)
Wait... so you're saying I'm not allowed to run you over with my revvy...? I can't beat you down for the sniper rifle?? GAY!!! I'm out.

(Will be on in a little, after Scott reaches the next checkpoint in GoW3: Where's my Dad?!? and I haven't had bacon in over 6 months)
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