405th Logo Update

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Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
As with so many other things within this community, we are bringing a fresh approach to the look of the core logo.

Logo History

Now... I won't claim to know the entire history of the community's identity, but this is one of the earliest versions of the logo I could find from around August of 2007.


Which eventually appeared on the website around Oct of 2007.


I am not sure exactly when the current logo was first created (roughly ~2008) but Adam shared some of the very earliest versions of it with me:



This triskelion-styled design with three hexagons and the (Halo) ring eventually gave way to our current logo:


Updated Logo

In approaching the new logo, we hired Ever and Oak to help us. Douglas is a friend (and long time RPFer) and understands these type of communities, where a typical design company probably wouldn't truly get the nature of what we do. In talking with him I told him that I did not want a NEW logo as much as I wanted a new take on the existing logo as so many within the community identify with it. I asked him to keep the core elements of the logo:

  • The ring - representing Earth.
  • The three stars - representing the core values of our community: honor, armor and unity
  • The three hexagons - represent you, the building blocks of our community, who hold our values at your core
  • The eagle - which has long represented a fighting force, most notably in history, the Roman Legion, but more currently, the US Marine Corps
  • The wreath - from the UN and UEG insignia, a symbol of the peace the UNSC are striving toward

I also asked that Douglas give us a design that didn't exactly mimic any specific Halo design, but had a feel that would fit into the Halo universe. I also asked him to limit the color palette to two, subdued colors (in addition to black and white) and make the logo something that we could easily break down into more simple forms for various uses. For anyone who knows anything about design, it is much harder to recreate something than to create something from scratch and my list of needs was no small task.

With that being said, Douglas brought back to me a stunning update to our logo that addressed EVERY concern I had and did so in a fantastic way!

I hate to start on a bad note, but before you scroll further (stop scrolling... stop!), PLEASE DO NOT USE THE NEW LOGO FOR ANY IMAGERY AT THIS TIME! Over the next few days, we will be setting up new logo usage guidelines and providing high-resolution artwork for approved usage. Again, please do not use this logo in part or whole at this point!

Here is our new full logo for the 405th Division:


Here is a horizontal variation:


And very importantly, the logo can be broken down into smaller components... such as ranks:


... or it could also be used to represent the progression that so many of us make from small and simply things to complex and difficult things:


And here is just an example of me playing around in Photoshop...

No matter how you look at it, this is a strong update to the community's identity, paying homage to what has come before, while giving us something more versatile and usable for what is ahead!

Here is a chance to see the evolution of the community identity, side by side:


I know I said it before, but I want to remind you again - DON'T SKIP THIS!
While I am confident you are excited about the new logo, PLEASE DO NOT USE IT FOR ANY IMAGERY AT THIS TIME! Over the next few days, we will be setting up new logo usage guidelines and providing high-resolution artwork for approved usage. Again, please do not use this logo in part or whole at this point!

So, where do we go from here? As we continue to update the site and social media venues, we will be adding in the new logo (as well as offering swag with the new logo). We will also be setting new guidelines so you too can use the logo in support of your community!


  • 405th-offical-full-logo-vertical.png
    57.4 KB · Views: 976
Art, I have a couple of questions regarding the use of this logo WITH (but not IN COMBINATION) logos for other groups/companies, etc?

For example,

I have had a proposal accepted by a local university to fund some of the tech equipment for my build. Part of the proposal will allow them to place their logo on the armour for their marketing purposes. If I follow the spacing policy of the logo use guidelines, and keep the logos as separate entities (ie. quite far apart), can I display BOTH logos on my armour?

And does the answer change if the logo I attempt to use is not for a university, but for a company that is paying me to use the suit for marketing purposes? (Not that this is a scenario that is presently occurring, but why not ask while the question seems relevant?)

I guess the suit could become a patchwork of logos and such, like nascars, and does that create a problem if the 405th logo is included in that mix with the others?

I would also like to know the answer to this as my company would possibly like to sponsor my armor to promote the company.
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Slapped it on my ODST chest plate. Wondering if you have any thoughts on weathering guidelines. I redid this a couple of times because I was concerned the weathering was making the logo too unrecognizeable.


i would highly suggest to paint this by yourself with a normal brush. here is my attempt to paint an odst logo on top of the chest piece:

hope you will try to get this done again ;-)


  • IMG_20110821_140754.jpg
    25.8 KB · Views: 279
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Art, I have a couple of questions regarding the use of this logo WITH (but not IN COMBINATION) logos for other groups/companies, etc?

For example,

I have had a proposal accepted by a local university to fund some of the tech equipment for my build. Part of the proposal will allow them to place their logo on the armour for their marketing purposes. If I follow the spacing policy of the logo use guidelines, and keep the logos as separate entities (ie. quite far apart), can I display BOTH logos on my armour?

And does the answer change if the logo I attempt to use is not for a university, but for a company that is paying me to use the suit for marketing purposes? (Not that this is a scenario that is presently occurring, but why not ask while the question seems relevant?)

I guess the suit could become a patchwork of logos and such, like nascars, and does that create a problem if the 405th logo is included in that mix with the others?

As long as you are not combining logos, you should be just fine. Keep in mind that most of our rules regarding the identity of the community are to ensure that there is no confusion created about who we are and to maintain a sense of pride in our club.

I would ask, but we won't demand, that if you use the 405th logo on your costume that you display it as the primary and most prominent logo.

And for anyone who missed GGD mentioning not combining logos, let's recap:

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I would also like to know the answer to this as my company would possibly like to sponsor my armor to promote the company.

If you are able to have someone sponsor your suit, there is certainly no reason you shouldn't promote them. We have no issue with that.
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Hello everyone! I've asked Art Andrews if I may do this... so I did! These are desktop backgrounds for your PC if you are feeling to decorate it with a more 405th-esque look!

(These are large files due to having high resolution, so they may take some time to load.) (My personal favorites are inversion and red, :D)


16:9 1440x2560

405th Default.png

Default Inversion:
405th Inverted.png

405th Red.png

405th Orange.png

405th Gold.png

405th Green.png

405th Blue.png

405th Purple.png

405th Pink.png

4:3 2048 x 1536

405th Default 43.png

Default Inversion:
405th Inverted 43.png

405th Red 43.png

405th Orange 43.png

405th Gold 43.png

405th Green 43.png

405th Blue 43.png

405th Purple 43.png

405th Pink 43.png

405th Default.png

405th Red.png

405th Orange.png

405th Gold.png

405th Green.png

405th Blue.png

405th Pink.png

405th Purple.png

405th Default 43.png

405th Red 43.png

405th Orange 43.png

405th Gold 43.png

405th Green 43.png

405th Blue 43.png

405th Purple 43.png

405th Pink 43.png

405th Inverted.png

405th Inverted 43.png
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I may put this logo on my suit somewhere, as for those who have seen my bead blasted logo, if only i could make another one of the new logo if i was still in that class!

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And for anyone who missed GGD mentioning not combining logos, let's recap:

View attachment 1669

I'd buy a bucket of that over KFC any day :lol Well done, Art!

Loving the updated 405th logo here. I like that it's still easily comparable to the previous version, but has a new look and feel to it.

Regarding the usage guidelines, since you guys are working on getting swag made, it wouldn't be allowed to get a one-off shirt made for personal use?

Furthermore, would it be against the guidelines to make a 3-D emblem for adding to my armour?

Keep up the good work, fellas :cool
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Hey I was thinking about making a controller decal for my PS4 controller for when it get's here on Tuesday, would that be cool, and would you guys like me to make you some as well?
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As long as you are not combining logos, you should be just fine. Keep in mind that most of our rules regarding the identity of the community are to ensure that there is no confusion created about who we are and to maintain a sense of pride in our club.

I would ask, but we won't demand, that if you use the 405th logo on your costume that you display it as the primary and most prominent logo.

And for anyone who missed GGD mentioning not combining logos, let's recap:

View attachment 1669

huh so I cant mod it with say a fox logo with DRM's because that's my idea from my local 405th group.
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Why is the page for the Logo's Guidelines down?

"Invalid FAQ Item specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"
From link in: http://www.405th.com/showthread.php/41747-405th-Logo-Update?p=706136&viewfull=1#post706136

EDIT: Okay, the link is broken, but I can find the guidelines if I hit the FAQ tab.
Regardless, I think that the link should be added to the OP of the thread.

I searched for "405th Logo" and this thread was included in the results, but the FAQ did not show up in the search results.
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Because the url for the 405th is so obvious, we didn't feel the need to add it to any of the logos as it can feel very advertisment-like very quickly.

Just wanted to add the fonts used within the PDF linked on the logos-

Here's a few sources for them:
Bebas Font | dafont.com
Baksheesh Thin - Free Font Download
Download Baksheesh Bold Font - Free Font Download

I noticed the URL isn't on any of the final stuff.
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Why is the page for the Logo's Guidelines down?

"Invalid FAQ Item specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"
From link in: http://www.405th.com/showthread.php/41747-405th-Logo-Update?p=706136&viewfull=1#post706136

EDIT: Okay, the link is broken, but I can find the guidelines if I hit the FAQ tab.
Regardless, I think that the link should be added to the OP of the thread.

I searched for "405th Logo" and this thread was included in the results, but the FAQ did not show up in the search results.

im getting the same error so I am wondering where the logo rules can be found.
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I am being cast in an upcoming film and I have a sticker of the 405th logo on my shoulder.
My question is this, should I remove the sticker for the film or can I leave it on for the film?

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Why is the page for the Logo's Guidelines down?

"Invalid FAQ Item specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"
From link in: http://www.405th.com/showthread.php/41747-405th-Logo-Update?p=706136&viewfull=1#post706136

EDIT: Okay, the link is broken, but I can find the guidelines if I hit the FAQ tab.
Regardless, I think that the link should be added to the OP of the thread.

I searched for "405th Logo" and this thread was included in the results, but the FAQ did not show up in the search results.

Sorry for the bump but yeah, this link is still down.
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