405th/microsoft Rose Parade Float?

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Jr Member
Idk if anyone has thought of the idea of a Microsoft/Bungie float and we could walk next to it, similar to the 501st?
MisterChief said:
Idk if anyone has thought of the idea of a Microsoft/Bungie float and we could walk next to it, similar to the 501st?

The 501st participation in the Rose Bowl Parade was on the direct order of George Lucas, becuase he was the Grand Marshall. From my understanding, the Rose Bowl Parade is a very exclusive deal, and it costs a lot of money to make the floats, often taking many months build them, and to march. Without Microsoft being one of the main sponsors of the Parade or having Bill Gates as the grand Marshall, I doubt there will be a Microsoft/Bungie float, and even if there was, I'm not sure if Microsoft/Bungie would invite the 405th to march with the float. The 501st really was a special thing becuase we have developed such a close working relationship with Lucas Film over the last couple of years and George Lucas has been impressed with our charity work, so this was a sort of thank you to the 501stfor all the good work we do. Without that close working relationship with Microsoft, I don't think they would have the 405th in the parade.
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Cadet said:
The 501st participation in the Rose Bowl Parade was on the direct order of George Lucas, becuase he was the Grand Marshall. From my understanding, the Rose Bowl Parade is a very exclusive deal, and it costs a lot of money to make the floats, often taking many months build them, and to march. Without Microsoft being one of the main sponsors of the Parade or having Bill Gates as the grand Marshall, I doubt there will be a Microsoft/Bungie float, and even if there was, I'm not sure if Microsoft/Bungie would invite the 405th to march with the float. The 501st really was a special thing becuase we have developed such a close working relationship with Lucas Film over the last couple of years and George Lucas has been impressed with our charity work, so this was a sort of thank you to the 501stfor all the good work we do. Without that close working relationship with Microsoft, I don't think they would have the 405th in the parade.
Ahhh ok. It would still be sweet haha. Imagine :love: a regiment of spartans and marines marching down the parade route...
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Cadet said:
The 501st participation in the Rose Bowl Parade was on the direct order of George Lucas, becuase he was the Grand Marshall. From my understanding, the Rose Bowl Parade is a very exclusive deal, and it costs a lot of money to make the floats, often taking many months build them, and to march. Without Microsoft being one of the main sponsors of the Parade or having Bill Gates as the grand Marshall, I doubt there will be a Microsoft/Bungie float, and even if there was, I'm not sure if Microsoft/Bungie would invite the 405th to march with the float. The 501st really was a special thing becuase we have developed such a close working relationship with Lucas Film over the last couple of years and George Lucas has been impressed with our charity work, so this was a sort of thank you to the 501stfor all the good work we do. Without that close working relationship with Microsoft, I don't think they would have the 405th in the parade.
What he said.

Spartan 051 said:
haha i march in the exact parade behind a regiment of storm troopers

Yeah. I've known people who march in it for band.
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What you're describing does actually happen at Dragoncon.. at least it did last year, and hopefully will happen this year as well.

I mean it wasn't the Rose Bowl, and we weren't there on Microsoft's behalf, but we did march in a parade. Hopefully this year's numbers will be better. We'll get there, one step at a time.


More pictures here: http://405th.com/forums/index.php?s=&s...st&p=211221
I am planning to March in the D*Con parade.
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