DragonCon 2024 Parade SIGN UP

Hey asgardian, so my AZ rakshasa wont be fully finished, if I get a new undersuit for my roughed up suit, could I use that instead. I would have armor just not the one I was hoping to bring
Alright folks we have two days until the parade. and yes by two days i mean be ready cause 8:00 am in Atlanta on parade day after a Friday night of partying is hard on the body! Please make sure all rules are followed and be at our Muster Point bright and early Saturday for your wristband. If you are coming in with a day pass you must have your QR code and ID and see Merlin at the foot of the Parking garage after exiting the shuttles.

LadyTano will be our Wagon carrier this year and we will need some help with Parade banner and a couple more handlers. I look forward to seeing you all there!
Be at the Marriott by concierge desk by 8:15 am Saturday. We will board head to shuttles at 8:30 sharp. If you miss us there catch a shuttle to the parade staging area and we will get you situated.
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