405th @ San Diego Comic Con 2008

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EDIT: ok, Im pretty sure I posted my other topic in the wrong spot so here's the info again.
Sorry for the double post/topic.

Hi fellow spartains, ODSTs, and marines! What I am trying to accomplish in
brief is to have a gathering of 405th members at this years comic con here in San Diego.
I'm not to push anyone into doing it, just taking a show of hands.

What I am doing is not official other than the fact I am going.
If you are and want to join, I'll be glad to meet with you.

Those of you who are going there's only a couple months left before the biggest event in the country.
The web site is www.comic-con.org/cci/ if you have any questions.

now like a 10 year-old's party invitation, here's mine to you to join the event.​

When: July 24-27, 2008 (Preview Night: July 23)

Wednesday, July 23:
Thursday, July 24:
Friday, July 25:
Saturday, July 26:
Sunday, July 27:

*Additional nighttime events and programming run until after midnight
Badge Pick-up (Attendee Registration, Sails Pavilion, upper level)
Wed.: 3:00-8:00 PM, Thur-Sat.: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM, Sun.: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM

Where: San Diego Convention Center
111 West Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101
Comic-Con’s offi cial headquarters hotel is the Marriott Hotel and
Marina, next to the Convention Center. Nighttime gaming rooms, fi lm
screenings, and the Comic-Con Hospitality Suite are all at the Marriott.

Memberships: No onsite membership badges will be sold.

4-Day Memberships: Adult: $75.00, Junior/Senior*: $35.00
1-Day Memberships:
Thursday: Adult: $25.00, Junior/Senior*: $12.00
Friday: Adult: $30.00, Junior/Senior*: $15.00
Saturday: Adult: $35.00, Junior/Senior*: $15.00
Sunday: Adult: $20.00, Junior/Senior*: $10.00

*Children under 12 free with a paid adult membership. Juniors are 12–17 years
old; Seniors are 60 or older. Active military pay the Junior/Senior price.
The offer does not extend to dependents.

Now as the ball rolls and you DO come out then here's a few
tips to consider when you travel and experiance the Con:​
  1. First and formost register now because there's only
    a limited amount of badges being sold this year and
    that means less of a chance to get in.
  2. Get money before you go, the ATMs are swarmed.
    Few places take credit cards.
  3. Bring extra money for eatting out, taxi cabs, airport expenses,
    you know the almighty hidden travel costs.
  4. Wear damn good closed-toed comfortable shoes. Nothing puts
    you in a bad mood more than some tired feet and crushed toes.
  5. Find parking early. There are some scams in the
    parking lots that direct you in the wrong direction.
    Legitimet choices are automated systems that despense
    tickets for all day parking.
  6. Wear a watch, bring your cell phone because there's no intercom
    calls and no clocks to be seen.
  7. Food. . . don't buy the convention food for two reasons:
    a ) It's convetion prices, that means whip out a $5 for a can of soda
    b ) Vegitarian sizes. Go buy a lunch box and fill it.
  8. Networking is extra. But incase you run into someone
    important it's good to have a business card.
  9. Take Ibuprophen and asprin for the headache you may have
    from the loud music, strobe lights, and bustling crowd.
  10. Bath. Oh MY GOD please take a nightly shower
    for the love of God. Aside form bad shoes, running into
    a walking fat bar dipped in sweat isn't going to make your day.
  11. Pictures and costuming. People don't dress up to avoid
    cameras, go on and ask them. I know many of us will be dressing up
    ( I will) so we know how we can bake in our suits during summer.
  12. The line. The registration line last year was terrible in 104/ 105
    degree heat that cooked EVERYONE. Costume or not, take plenty
    of cool water with you just for the line and a wide brim hat.
  13. The "Con- Crud". After being at comic con for 4 days and
    being in contact with people from around the world you can get
    sick easily. Take sanitation whipes, hand sanitiser, cold/flu prevention
    and other germ/sickness protection before, during, and after the con.
  14. Enjoy the con for what it is and has been. A place for comics. Things I always
    look at are the: Cartoon panels ,artist alley, and Masquerade. The Eisner Awards are
    very long, but still fun to see what comics have done in the last 100 years.
  15. Lastly have fun. Smile and take the time to appreciate where you are.
    Several people are depressed and lost in the mayhem but there's no need to be.
    This is the largest event in the comic industry as well as the world's intertainment
    industry of pop culture.
Thanks for the time.




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Comic Conventions - a more mainstream furry convention. Sounds like heaven >.>

But really. From the sounds of it, this is about the same as Anthrocon, Further Confusion, Califur, RBW or RCFM every year - rolled into one, without the sex. I'll be sure to have my suit hermetically sealed so the only environment I have to tolerate is my own, should I go next year.
I'm not sure what you mean about the sex part or being
airtight sealed in your costume. I'd be careful
when doing that because the AC in the convention center is
constantly being adjested for 125,000 daily. That's a daunting task.

With any Con, keep your suits tight but ventelated.

So is that a no for everyone here?
Sorry about that Link. But who can make it?
Honestly, this is bigger than E3 and you can go to it.
Am I going to be the only one going and representing the
I'll be going: either for work or I'll make the time to go on my own, Its only a 2 hour drive from where I live, and last year was fun
Me and my other halo armor making buddy would love to come even just to see that samus girl she rocks! I do not know if our armor will be complete in two months we are putting a lot of time and detail into our armor if we don't get finished then we will take a rain check for next year for sure, thanks for posting all the info for the conventions I cant tell you how much that helps since I'm really to lazy to find it myself.
No problem Time, thanks guys.
I can't wait to see you all there!
(That is if you go :) )
The Samus girl is only a small taste
of what comic con has to offer.
Last year there was a guy dressed like
Ghost Rider and there are people in groups that do great
presentations: E.I Ninjas, 501st, ninjas, Naruto kids,(ninjas)
and this year, Halo. . . . (and batman ninjas)
yeah... i used to live in SD... attendance was insane there.... definitely awesome..

If i finish my suit in time, ill definitely make it out :)..
Good to hear, the only draw back
this year is that tickets
can only be purchased through
the web site. It's fairly easy and safe to
register but there's always that
uneasyness. ( Am I right?)
To make everyone feel better,
I found a website with this years exclusive
figures at Comic Con.
Did I mention that McFarlane has custom
Halo 3 figures this year and ToyRocket's bobble head.
(Looks like Adam) :D



I cant make it but I have a favor to ask of anyone going. There is supposed to be an exclusive Gears Of War figure being sold there and I was wondering if someone could pick 2 of them up for me? Pm me if you can, we can work out details.
I'll certainly be there as always.... will be in my Stargate duds and 501st armor. Doesn't look like i'll have a finished deal for anything Halo related by then however, but hope to meet some of y'all.
Hello all!
I run www.sdcosplay.org we do Cosplay and costume events all througout san diego all year long, and you know we'll be there..

I'm currently working on my Halo marine armor, maybe doing ODST instead however, I have a working vacuform machine, just trying to fix up my heater.
Hmm, I doubt that I'll be able to make it this year... Ohio.... That and my armor will not be ready by then.

Now, in 2009... ;)

BTW: Nice avatar, BrianAnim, I had that as my first avatar, a few months ago. :)
gamerguy55 said:
Hmm, I doubt that I'll be able to make it this year... Ohio.... That and my armor will not be ready by then.

Now, in 2009... ;)

BTW: Nice avatar, BrianAnim, I had that as my first avatar, a few months ago. :)

Ah thanks, hopfully my armor will be done by then, I'll definitly be going as my smart gunner from Aliens one of the days, probably going to be going around with a bunch of the other sdcosplay.org people.
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So I'm getting some good input around here!
Now the next thing would be to find a time when we can all
meet up together. As I said before, I'm going in a group
of about 4. So I'll see you all down there.

In other news, I found a site with Comic con's
exclusive figures: Figures . Com CCI SD

Even cooler are these however,Halo 3 exclisives

I'm not sure if these have been posted on here or not, but
here they are, (again ( maybe) )

Ja mata!
ill most likely make it, and room with westerfield, i fly for free thank god...b/c both parents work for continental, so im most likely going
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