405th Trunk or Treat Event


Active Member
Member DIN
We got an appearance request for a Trunk or Treat event this October. Details below:

Event Name
Sheriff's Spooky Skele-bration

Event Venue
Lake County Sheriff's South District Office

Venue Address
15855 SR 50, Clermont, FL 34711

Approximate Number of Attendees

Event Description
The Sheriff is hosting a "trunk or treat" event. There will be movies, face painting, scare zones, games, carnival food, and candy.

Oct 28, 2023

Start Time
05:00 PM

End Date
Oct 28, 2023

End Time
08:00 PM

Number of 405th Members Requested

Can you provide a secure changing room/staging area to accommodate costumed attendees?

Will you provide free entry to event for 405th members and handlers?

Please list any other ameneties you are willing to offer our volunteers (food, water, etc.)
Snacks, water, restrooms, secure changing area

Request Description
I'm a master deputy and a 501st member. I see your group at conventions regularly and I'm also in the middle of printing out my own ODST costume. The Sheriff is hosting a "trunk or treat" event. There will be movies, face painting, scare zones, games, carnival food, and candy. I'd love for your members to walk around and interact and/or do some sort of static display.
I wish I could go! I'll be visiting family the weekend after so I can't justify driving down two weekends in a row :(
> Clermont, FL 34711

Oh wow. If I still lived in Anthony (Marion Co.) FL I'd be be all over that.

But now its a bit of a drive from Australia. Have a great time though!
Sorry if this is necro-ing the thread.

Do we know if the Lake County Sheriff is looking to request a 405th appearance again this year? I live in Lake County and would definitely be attending if there was a request.
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