The black is actually truck bed liner, it 100% gives it so much more pop and character. In the game its a textured black too, so made sense to go that route.
The camo scarff is weathered, but yeah I agree it could use some more. Think I need to legit just take it into some mud and get it good and stained.
Instincts files are the best...hands down. Just my 2 cents though.
Using textured paint was actually such a good idea, I might have to do that actually
These look so cool, I aim to do something like this at some point. I always wanted to use one of those 360 degree cameras that spins around you at large events.
These look so cool, I aim to do something like this at some point. I always wanted to use one of those 360 degree cameras that spins around you at large events.
Our Carter did that at Dragon Con, had a 360 mounted to our Noble flag as we walked to the convention. Results were amusing to say the least LOL. I would love to find a way to mount a GoPro or similar in the helmet, getting that POV at conventions and such would be cool to do as well. Some helmets would make it easier than others for sure, but could get some good stuff there. Specially if you made content to mimic the game with a solid POV perspective. One day....
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