A few questions about discord..

The Chief

New Member
So I have been looking at a few forums and sometimes I see discord pop up there and I’m almost certain that this community has one.
I just have a few questions about it that’s all.

1- What is the purpose of this discord.

2-What do you do there.

3-What is required of me to be able to join.

(A quick note just to say I don’t think I really can attend any events right now and for a long while ahead unfortunately. But if I ever do get the time and ability to go anywhere where Australian events are I’m gonna try.)
Hi Chief!
The Discord is a supplementary platform to the 405th forums, meaning it's an extension of our community but not the main location (that being the forums). Largely it's used to get receive further support for the hobby, and we also occasionally host game nights and have craft chats for people to get to know each other there.

All that's required is a 405th forum account, and acceptance of the rules laid out on the server.

If you are OK with sharing, which state of Down Under do you hail from? If you need help finding an Australian convention, just let me know!
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Another way to think about Discord is that its real time. Think of it as a virtual building with a lot of rooms ("channels").
There might be 200 people on line at the same time, some in the painting room, some in the general chat room, some in the electronics room.
You can chat in real time. Or you can scroll back to the start of time.

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Hi Chief!
The Discord is a supplementary platform to the 405th forums, meaning it's an extension of our community but not the main location (that being the forums). Largely it's used to get receive further support for the hobby, and we also occasionally host game nights and have craft chats for people to get to know each other there.

All that's required is a 405th forum account, and acceptance of the rules laid out on the server.

If you are OK with sharing, which state of Down Under do you hail from? If you need help finding an Australian convention, just let me know!
Thank you so much for telling me, I would love to join it and I am in NSW.

Although, very unfortunately I’m not really able to attend any events right now to reasons I wanna keep personal but if it’s still fine for me to join then where would I get the code?
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Hi Chief!
The Discord is a supplementary platform to the 405th forums, meaning it's an extension of our community but not the main location (that being the forums). Largely it's used to get receive further support for the hobby, and we also occasionally host game nights and have craft chats for people to get to know each other there.

All that's required is a 405th forum account, and acceptance of the rules laid out on the server.

If you are OK with sharing, which state of Down Under do you hail from? If you need help finding an Australian convention, just let me know!
Hey! Im trying to join the discord and it wants me to "link my forum profile" and i have no clue how to do that can you help?
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Hey! Im trying to join the discord and it wants me to "link my forum profile" and i have no clue how to do that can you help?
This is just a case of setting your nickname on the server to your forum name. It helps us associate you on Discord and on the forums.

On PC, you can do this by clicking the server name in the banner, then clicking Edit Server Profile:
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