Discord Channel Management 4 Dummies


Active Member

Howdy, if this is your first time using Discord after being on the forums it can be super overwhelming o_O Discord is like a fast paced work environment and while some people thrive in chaos :cool:, many end up burnt out :confused:. So here's some tips on how to make your Discord experience a more enjoyable one without affecting the Discord experience for other users. ;)


On first glance there's a lot happening, we're gonna focus on the left side bar and click on "Browse Channels". This will open up a page showing all the channels you have access to, the channels with a check mark will display in the left hand side.



Now I'm not very fond of "3d-printing" and "3d-modeling":rolleyes: I hear clown music when ever people try to talk to me about it... so I don't want to see those channels! I can search for the channels in the search bar above, however for this I scrolled down to locate those channels. Clicking the check mark for those channels removes them. Just like that those channels are gone from my list.​



One thing to note is if you are tagged in a channel you removed from your list, the channel will show up in the left hand side under the "Browser Channels" button under a section named "Suggested", you can review the tag and then click the "X" to remove this section from your list.​


You might be thinking: "But I'm new here! I wanna browse the channels and manage them as I browse!" You can also right click on channels and mute them indefinitely. Muted channels will still show in your list however they will be darkened.


If you want to hide muted channels you can do this by clicking on the drop down arrow next to "405th Infantry Division" and click on "Hide Muted Channels"​



I hope this helps anyone who's looking to use/navigate Discord and isn't aware they can customize their own experience on the server. It's been exciting to see how the Discord has grown from it's original tiny 4-6 channels, into a wonderfully active space for such a diverse community. :love:


Howdy, if this is your first time using Discord after being on the forums it can be super overwhelming o_O Discord is like a fast paced work environment and while some people thrive in chaos :cool:, many end up burnt out :confused:. So here's some tips on how to make your Discord experience a more enjoyable one without affecting the Discord experience for other users. ;)

View attachment 345306

On first glance there's a lot happening, we're gonna focus on the left side bar and click on "Browse Channels". This will open up a page showing all the channels you have access to, the channels with a check mark will display in the left hand side.

View attachment 345307
View attachment 345308

Now I'm not very fond of "3d-printing" and "3d-modeling":rolleyes: I hear clown music when ever people try to talk to me about it... so I don't want to see those channels! I can search for the channels in the search bar above, however for this I scrolled down to locate those channels. Clicking the check mark for those channels removes them. Just like that those channels are gone from my list.​

View attachment 345309
View attachment 345310

One thing to note is if you are tagged in a channel you removed from your list, the channel will show up in the left hand side under the "Browser Channels" button under a section named "Suggested", you can review the tag and then click the "X" to remove this section from your list.​

View attachment 345316

You might be thinking: "But I'm new here! I wanna browse the channels and manage them as I browse!" You can also right click on channels and mute them indefinitely. Muted channels will still show in your list however they will be darkened.​

View attachment 345312

View attachment 345313

If you want to hide muted channels you can do this by clicking on the drop down arrow next to "405th Infantry Division" and click on "Hide Muted Channels"​

View attachment 345315
View attachment 345318

I hope this helps anyone who's looking to use/navigate Discord and isn't aware they can customize their own experience on the server. It's been exciting to see how the Discord has grown from it's original tiny 4-6 channels, into a wonderfully active space for such a diverse community. :love:

Extremely well done zettai.
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