A1TD : Gears Of War 3. Re-opened.

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exelentes trabajos soy un gran aficionado y me encanta esto espero con ansia los demas archivos para hacerlos y mejorarlos....saludos
Here's a ref pic i found at tombraider forums
Its queen myrrah!

Girl's option if they wanna wear evil characters xD

Whole ref pics in mesh format


Thanks to Rexil at http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showpost.php?p=5422553&postcount=11800
question i know how to pep the weapon though, but how am i suppose to put resin on the inside of the gun?

i hope this isn't a stupid question can someone please answer this
coming along fantastic!

@slawrence - There are several different methods. you should search the different methods here on the forums to find witch one works best for you.
Could someone unfold the locust shins and scale it to average adult height? Which is like 5 ft 7 or 8in

Thanks, :D

P.S. Im placing my sangheili on hold and will be making a Locust from Gears 3 for the release. So.... PLEASE someone unfold, time is running out :C
Could someone unfold the locust shins and scale it to average adult height? Which is like 5 ft 7 or 8in


P.S. Im placing my sangheili on hold and will be making a Locust from Gears 3 for the release. So.... PLEASE someone unfold, time is running out :C
You aren't the only trying to get something done for the release. Be patient.

And also, I don't think the shins have been released, yet. Making these files takes time.
There was a file on the first page of this thread, I guess I'll just scratch build it with the ratios things we learned in Geometry :D
- Retro Lancer HD (no knife)
- Retro Lancer LD (no knife)
- Retro Lancer HD (no knife + for steel pipe)
- Retro Lancer LD (no knife+ for steel pipe)
Nice that the thread name has been changed! :D

Also i think "carmine elite" are the bodyguards of Prescott as shown in the new campaign trailer.

Big, strong, cog soldiers with helmet.


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Anywhere on the forums where they explain or tutorial how to unfold? I tried to unfold marcus' armor but when i do it, it's only like 25 parts but pretty big.
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