A1TD : Gears Of War 3. Re-opened.

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I've got two different Marcus Fenix chest pieces, both unfolded, one is Gears 2, the other is Gears 3. I'm not really satisfied with the 2 version. If anyone has any different pep versions let me know.
Mustangseatrice05, I am working on the Recruit Clayton helm. It shouldn't be too long before I'm finished.

In other news, I have finished the Marcus Fenix chest, although I am going to wait till Duffmasterfresh has had a chance to work through at least the majority of the parts in his build and see if there are any major trouble areas I need to fix before I release the file.

Awesome news
Is it possible to find the 3D model that the makers of GOW3 used for Marcus Fenix and then open that in a free 3D software program to use as a 3D reference for accuracy?

So I can't say for all free programs, but yes you can, although you need to have 3DS Max in order to export the models to .3ds format then import it in. I've only tried this with Blender. I'm trying to learn it and make my own little movies.
Just want to note that I DID NOT unfold the ones that I have on there. The one's i'm working on I havent finished and uploaded, when they are done I will add them. Working on Anya right now for my wife. I also started the Shoe covers that were posted earlier in the thread to make them foam friendly too.

Thanks for the note about the GOW3 marcus one, I didnt even notice.
does anyone have or plan on making and unfolding the boots,shoulder pads and gauntlets for the onyx guard i have the helmet and chest but need the rest to finish. please let me know thanks.
In the meantime, if anyone wants Gears of War 1 armors, I'll be more than happy to help while I figure out how to obtain GoW3 models.

AMM HI Bigjohn9397 im new on this and i have a little question you can make or do you have the kantus or savage kantus .pdos or .obj helmets and chests? i can unfold them but i dont have the models sorry if my enlglish sucks :( i search for a kantus helmet in every place and found nothing the cog is cool but locust helmts are awesome and kantus pufff please i hope you can help me
AMM HI Bigjohn9397 im new on this and i have a little question you can make or do you have the kantus or savage kantus .pdos or .obj helmets and chests? i can unfold them but i dont have the models sorry if my enlglish sucks :( i search for a kantus helmet in every place and found nothing the cog is cool but locust helmts are awesome and kantus pufff please i hope you can help me

Sure I can see about getting the Kantus files, it might take me a bit, I've got a lot of personal stuff on my plate but I plan on getting these up this week:
Myrrah armor
(Savage) Kantus armor
(If I can get GoW2 to download) Tai Kaliso
hey guys , havent been back to the 405th in a while and this is always the first place i go to. glad to see this threads still going strong.
hey again guess, i decided i was going to get back into making gears of war props by making all of the COG helmets and just when i thought i found them all i cam across this gears of war 3 cog helmet that i have never seen before on the gears of war wiki, does anyone happen to have a file for this or know where i can get one.

hey again guess, i decided i was going to get back into making gears of war props by making all of the COG helmets and just when i thought i found them all i cam across this gears of war 3 cog helmet that i have never seen before on the gears of war wiki, does anyone happen to have a file for this or know where i can get one.


I still have it, I can upload it now. Check the main list, it should be there soon.
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