Soft Parts Accurate Rakshasa Undersuit with Sewing Pattern

This looks so awesome!! I'll definitely be using it as a reference for my own, you got so much detail in. I love to see a detailed undersuit, great work
Sweet! Can't wait to see it, I spent a lot of time looking at the game assets to try and make it as accurate as possible. Missing some of the buckles/greeblies, but I'd say it looks pretty great as is.
:love: incredible! I picked up so many new ideas from this thread as well, the textured fabric, the ropes, the software, really valuable, thanks!
:love: incredible! I picked up so many new ideas from this thread as well, the textured fabric, the ropes, the software, really valuable, thanks!
Thanks so much! My cosplay background is all soft parts, so I like to think I bring a different type of experience to the 405th. I'm excited to do more projects like this, and to see what yall do with it as well!
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