Adding Height To A Costume


New Member
Hi, this is my first post here so I'm not entirely sure I'm doing this right, but I'd love some tips from the community about something I've been wondering.
I plan on making my first ever spartan armour soon, and I have one thought: How do I look taller in the armour? I'm about 5'9 and I doubt I'll be able to reach the height of an actual spartan anytime soon but is there any tips for adding height to the costume? I suppose the helmet adds some height, and I figure I could add a layer to the boots on the bottom to make me taller, but this probably wont add much. I also thought about using small stilts but I figured this would make the lower legs of the suit disproportionate and it would just look weird. So any tips for this guys? Thanks!
There are elevator shoes and lifted insoles. You could add soles to the bottom of the boot. There are a few options but they'll all come down to how comfortable you are standing and walking, and how well you can build around them. They'll also need to hold up to wear and tear.

These are mine. I'm using lifted insoles and adding a layer of EVA foam underneath the boot, then a layer of treaded rubber sole material for traction. For me, walking with the lifted insoles is a bit awkward as I'm not used to the added height under my heel. Your mileage may vary.

rickrtickr has a write-up of how he built his boots if you want some inspiration.
You have a lot of options to add some height, but also be aware that you need to consider your stability while walking and ability to conceal your height additions within the boot armor.

I covered my process a little more in depth in my Mk VII thread and N8TEBB did something similar in his Mk VII suit. For mine, I bought wedged sneakers I found on Amazon and I believe N8TEBB used ones from

For mine I then added some layers of foam to add even more height and used rubber sole material for traction on the bottom. I added the rubber after painting. One reason I like the Amazon ones is they were only $50(US) so it hurts less to sacrifice them to the suit compared to $100+ shoes For C2E2 I also added some higher wedges. If I do all wedges then without helmet I can get just under 5" extra height. I don't actually go full height though as it was challenging to walk. Could be fixed w/ more practice but not in time for C2 it wasn't. Nice thing about layers of wedges inside the shoe, if you're struggling or your feet need a break you can just remove layers.
rickrtickr has a write-up of how he built his boots if you want some inspiration.
I get about 2-3 inches of lift out of my new boots.

My method does come with the caveat that they are heavy. (about the same as a steal-toed boot.)

But because of the nature of their construction, they are very stable for me. I only have issues when I first put them on because they are drastically wider than my feet and require a wider stance and stride. The link pinoyfiasco has is my first post on the construction but there are several that follow the build process.
While the helmet will add some height, I would still recommend sizing it to your head without trying to use it to add height. If you want height out of it, look for a helmet that has features on top (Achilles, for example). Otherwise your helmet/head will seem disproportionate to the rest of your body/armor. People notice way less if your calves/feet are disproportionate.
I also use the insole method. In my original boots, I used these insoles inside a pair of boots I found at a local Scheels. I quickly realized just how uncomfortable those insoles were after wearing them for a full day at a con. I have since swapped to this pair of shoes from Amazon that is designed to increase your height. So far they are much more comfortable and do pretty much the exact same job. I also use a 5mm piece of rubber (linked here) on the bottom of the boot for traction and a little extra height. Overall, it adds about 2-3 extra inches or so, more if you include the helmet.


(Old vs. New)
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@N8TEBB did something similar in his Mk VII suit.
YEP!, check the clearance section. I got 4" elevators. I find them quite comfortable and are nicely concealed with my foam armour. Occasionally folks ask if I'm wearing tall shoes, but they ask because of my height, not because they notices my shoes were a bit large. I get boosted from 5'11" to 6'3"
YEP!, check the clearance section. I got 4" elevators. I find them quite comfortable and are nicely concealed with my foam armour. Occasionally folks ask if I'm wearing tall shoes, but they ask because of my height, not because they notices my shoes were a bit large. I get boosted from 5'11" to 6'3"
Whoa, I had no idea they even made shoes like these. Gonna order a pair and see.
Whoa, I had no idea they even made shoes like these. Gonna order a pair and see.
They're great. You get the benefit of the soles being designed for the taller fit with better support for your foot and ankle.
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