Advanced Chimeran Hybrid (WIP)

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Try mineral spirits to smooth your clay. Use a little at a time. I've been using it on the Elite sculpt. You can also use a heat gun, don't leave it in one spot for to long, make a circular motion with the heat gun. Best of luck!

Vegetable oil for smoothing oil based clay with out it dissolving the oils in the clay. Just use light dab's so as not to over saturate the clay. If you're trying to firm the surface of the clay up then light solvents will work. Heat will work to soften up the clay temporally by bringing the oils out to the surface. But use caution over heating can cause burns and/or over time remove the oils from you're clay, making it unusable. Hope that helps you.
I wouldn't worry about smoothing out the clay personally... I would work more on proportions first. The chimera have very wrinkly and 'dry' skin, very textured. So you spend all that time and effort only to texture it up, seems a little silly to me.

While keeping in mind all those methods on how to smooth out oil based clay, is a good thing to know, I just don't see it being useful in this project...
yeah. I went through an impulsive phase for a few days there, but I've worked it out and I think its ready for molding (or as ready as it will ever be). The eyes aren't exactly how I want them but instead of fussing for days over them I'd rather mold it and the mask be recognizable as a chimera instead of being absolutely perfect and the costume not be done in time for trick or treating with my little brothers. If I have time after making everything for the costume I will re-do the mask and am confident it will be much better. But I am happy and content with what I have and will begin work on molding, casting, painting, and making the armor :)

I have 2mm thick craft foam but I dont think it will be thick enough. If it is, then I don't have to make returns, but if its not what thickness would be ideal?

This is quite possibly the scariest picture I have ever seen lol. But seriously, looking good man keep it up
I like that you tossed some res3 into the Costume making area. Its a different change to Halo and a welcome one in my opinion since you are using Clay and not much of that is seen lately (In the threads ive read.) Anyways. I wish you tons of luck and know im subscribed to the thread, cause im looking toward some more pics soon. d ^v^ b
SO I have a question, before I make a mold and cast the mask, I need to spray the clay with 3 even coats of Krylon Crystal Clear Acrylic. My problem is that I don't have that and would rather not make a trip out to get it if I have something that works just as well. I have Rust-oleum Crystal Clear Enamel. Will this work or should I be using the Krylon stuff?
Why are you spraying it?.....

Your clay is oil based, and I assume you're going to be making a mold out of silicone? If so, you don't need a spray. Should be able to just put the silicone on and it won't stick, because it's oil based. If you want to make sure it comes off, either use a mold release spray or veggie oil (or spray, like pam).
Yeah, Hyo is right if it were a silicone mold. However, since you are wanting to make latex masks, you are on the right track. Ultra Cal 30 is used for creating the hard mold used for slip casting a latex mask. So yeah, You will need a sealant. I have Krylon Crystal clear and You should be able to pick it up at either home depot or a discount auto parts place. I got mine at AutoZone if I remember correctly. On a side note, I have heard of people using silicone molds to make latex masks, but I've heard its a real pain. THe latex tends to not stick to the silicone.

Edit: You will also need a release agent on it too.
I didnt know about the release agent, thanks!

But can I use the rust-oleum crystal clear enamel or will only the krylon do?

Well, I haven't actually made a Latex mask before. I would definitely call the Monster makers people up and just ask them specific technical questions, But I have heard of people using clear coat before. I would just ask the question though before you start anything.

The monster makers PH # is: 1.866.521.7739 (lol, i have their card in my walet)
Double Post :(

SO I reworked the sculpt quite a bit and the front now looks like this

And the side looks like this

The only thing I think Im going to add (besides fine detail) Is the ridges underneth the eyes like in here

I got a sudden jolt of inspiration and thats why I sculpted again instead of molding it (and personally I think it looks much better)

My clay hardened and I'd like to go see a movie so I think I'm done for the night.

So what do you guys think?
wow man, i love seeing clay sculpts. i could never even imagine doing what you are doing. hoe to see more! this looks very nice.
:D So I think I am completely done with half of the head sculpt!

I only did half because I wanted to ask what you guys thought of it before I finished the other side.

So here is the complete view. What was added was the ridges under the eyes, the eye balls, and wrinkle-ish things around the eyes. (Personally I think It looks wonderful)



The next 3 show each eye seperately and the subtle differences in each.

Eye furthest back


Middle eye


And finally the front eye


Its not game accurate or perfect by any means, but I like it and am content with it. Please let me know what you guys think! (Please be honest ;) )
So I am going to be starting the armor for this within the week.
My question doesn't exactly have any urgency to it, just somehing I'd like to know for the next week.

That would be on the chest piece of the armor, there is the big circle light. I have 3 different options for the light. Itll be covered up with a sheet of yellow plastic to give it the yellow glow, but which of these 3 lights should I use for that chest piece?



or this?

The last one i there just to toy with the futuristic alienish look it has. They're all within the same relative price range so thats not an issue (difference of like $6)
triple post :O

So I molded half of the sculpt just now. and it was a great learning experience. But I think that the mold itself might not come out to well but hey, I learned.

Tips I have, don't go overboard on the first batch of ultra cal 30. I had to throw out a lot of it because I made way to much the first time.
This stuff gets hot, and I mean HOT so don't screw around with it while its setting.
Have everything you need at the ready. Once you start applying the ultra cal you need to move fast.

Well thats my update for today. no pics, sorry. It looks pretty boring right now :)
ultra cal 30. You do not need to use any spray on you're oil based clay for this. Also If you're mold is a 2 piece ultra cal 30 build and you use Latex or Slush Latex you do not need a release agent. But.....I would tell you to use baby powder on you're mask before pulling it. This will keep it from sticking to itself. Yes raw Latex sticks to itself. If you need any more info on this type molding mat. just PM me I've made about 50 of these over the years.
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