Adventurecon 2008 - June 13-15

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Hrm.. I was there all weekend last year and never saw them. Ronin goes every year as well and has never seen the chief there. o.0 weird. I do happen to know who the suits belong to. Believe it or not these two are 501st members, I had one guy at the end of A*Con from the 501st come tell me he had some suits he wore last year.. he seemed pretty cocky about it and acted like he just wanted to tell me that his suits were better than mine. Anyhow, I'm showering, making a final adjustment on the thigh pieces so they will stay up higher on my thighs and should be at A*Con by 2pm Est. Please feel free to come say hi, hopefully I can see today XD. Thanks for the fans today Gokusj5ozaku, they should help lol.

I had a blast at AdventureCon!

It was so much fun to meet everyone and see how well the costumes came out! I think the 405th had an excellent showing :)

Right before I left, Tom Nguyen, one of the comic book artists that was there asked him to stick around because one of the reporters wanted to interview us both. The reporter was a really nice fellow from the Knoxville News Sentinel. He had an audio recorder and asked me a lot of questions about costuming, why led me to choose the character/costume, what comics I like, etc. He then did a video interview with both me and Tom for the web. I will link that as soon as it becomes available :)

Lots of people flocked to get pictures with the spartans. Everyone was a big hit :D
Vexona said:
I had a blast at AdventureCon!

It was so much fun to meet everyone and see how well the costumes came out! I think the 405th had an excellent showing :)

Right before I left, Tom Nguyen, one of the comic book artists that was there asked him to stick around because one of the reporters wanted to interview us both. The reporter was a really nice fellow from the Knoxville News Sentinel. He had an audio recorder and asked me a lot of questions about costuming, why led me to choose the character/costume, what comics I like, etc. He then did a video interview with both me and Tom for the web. I will link that as soon as it becomes available :)

Lots of people flocked to get pictures with the spartans. Everyone was a big hit :D
Yep it was pretty sweet. My first con.:D I personally enjoyed all of the attention it was funny.
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Adventure Con was great!! This was my first time at the con in costume and I had a great time time!! It was nice to meet everyone!! It was good to see others form the 405th!! Everyone loved us!

@Vexona interview huh? sounds cool!! Sorry you didn't get into the costume contest :( I thought your costume ROCKED!! I like comic version much better than the movie version!! If its not to much to ask... I didn't bring my camera . So could you send me some of the photos you shot of us? I know kensai111 took a few and said he would post them , but the more the merrier!!!
I have a picture of my costume at the house but I didn't get any at the show. We had so many bags I couldn't justify making my dear fiance' carry that around too.

I think Kensai will have some group shots to provide tho :)

I will also put a link up to the photos and interview when the Knox News puts that up later.
16 photos total, I'm uploading the super high resolution photos to my photobucket account now. I'll edit the post with the links as soon as the upload is done. Had an amazing time as expected and everyone's costume was great. I'm glad everyone presented themselves very professionally (even more so then the 501st) and I'm sorry we were disrespected in the costume contest and for the way the 501st treated us. Not our fault we stole their thunder :whistle: . If Ronin, Collin, or Dark can find the interview we did, make sure to post a link. Also, Vex, try to hunt down that interview you did I'd love to hear it.

kensai111 said:
16 photos total, I'm uploading the super high resolution photos to my photobucket account now. I'll edit the post with the links as soon as the upload is done. Had an amazing time as expected and everyone's costume was great. I'm glad everyone presented themselves very professionally (even more so then the 501st) and I'm sorry we were disrespected in the costume contest and for the way the 501st treated us. Not our fault we stole their thunder :whistle: . If Ronin, Collin, or Dark can find the interview we did, make sure to post a link. Also, Vex, try to hunt down that interview you did I'd love to hear it.

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Darkslitter said:

Cool deal Dark :D w00t we really promoted the hell out of the 405 today I guess, 3 interviews and about 1001 photos of each spartan lol. Oh these photos I'm uploading at 4MB each, so you can have nice high rez photos of yourself.

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Who was the steel and yellow spartan?
I think i might have skipped over who was wearing that.
I saw the pictures on Kensai's photobucket. I got excited and found them manually.
Hope you don't mind me getting a sneak peak.
Photos are now up in High Resolution - 4mb a piece!

For reference sake:
Kensai = Lime Green/Black MJOLNIR
Ronin = Standard MC Green/Black MJOLNIR
Dark = Steel/Yellow MJOLNIR
Desolate = White/Black MJOLNIR
Vexona = Dark Pheonix
Nik = Roommate (Assistant builder of my suit and creating the 1:1 Brute Chieftain)

Kensai, Nik and Ernie Hudson [Ghostbusters, The Crow, etc]

Kensai Nik and Shawnee Smith [Saw I, Saw II, Saw III, Saw IV, etc]

Kensai pistol whipping Ronin while Dark shoots him :D

Dark shoots Kensai in the head

Dark and Kensai action pose

Ronin on stage / Kensai leaving stage

Kensai on stage

Kensai action pose on stage

Security check on a fan Kensai/Ronin/Dark and Desolate

Action pose Kensai/Ronin/Dark and Desolate


Kensai and girlfriend with Doug Jones [Hellboy,Pan's Labyrinth and many more :)]

Nik and Danielle Harris [Little girl from Halloween in clown suit]

Nik and Kane Hodder [Friday the 13th]

Kensai/Ronin/Dark/Vex and Vex's boyfriend [sporting a 405th cap ;)]

Kensai/Ronin and Dark all hands in

As for the sneak peek go ahead :p and as far as how we were cheated at the costume contest the juniors did not receive anything for a prize and the "General" section we got put into was won by:

1st Place: Young Indiana Jones [Costume quality.. not impressive at all.. maybe 30 mins of work total?]
2nd Place: Old Indiana Jones [Costume quality .. same.]

Of course the 501st division was commented vigorously on how awesome they were (we didn't receive a single word of well done or any kind of mention) and when called on stage they refused to announce us as the 405th.. while others got that treatment *cough*. The 501st was real uptight and snoody as usual to all of us except Desolate who still troops for them (even though I used to). Never the less we had an amazing time and it was great meeting everyone and the 405th who attended was very respectful and professional all around and we got tons of media coverage. We do not hold a grudge against the 501st and ment no harm with our presence, but it was clear they were threatened and talked lowly of the quality of our costumes behind my back. So I think we proved ourselves with our maturity and remained pleasant the whole time, which makes a difference in my mind. So if you see the 501st do not act rude or immature, always always be kind and respectful to EVERYONE when in costume. I think the whole experience was the definition of a perfect presence. Thanks for all who attended and I think this picture sums up the day best. Sorry for the banner steal.. but it really fits how things went today. :)


the pics look good.. sorry i couldnt troop with you guys longer i was wore out and i had a 5 1/2 hour drive ahead of me hope to troop with you guys again..
des0lat3 said:
the pics look good.. sorry i couldnt troop with you guys longer i was wore out and i had a 5 1/2 hour drive ahead of me hope to troop with you guys again..

T'was a pleasure. Please keep in touch on IM.. we still have work to discuss about you know what ;).

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Awesome! I've never seen so many Spartans in one place at the same time! Great pictures... Looks like a lot of fun.
looked like a fun time.
I really liked how you 3 had all different colors! the steel and orange looks nice together.
About the 501st: Look, to be in that you have to have a perfect costume....yes the quality may not be as 100% movie (or in our case game perfect), but hey we still put alot of hard work and heart in what we make. I'm glad you guys just blew it off and the way you upheld yourselves.
keep having fun!
nice pics!
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