Agent tex (Red vs Blue) Armor style

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Agent Tex

New Member
First off I'm sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place. I'm new to the site so please don't yell at me. For Otakon I plan on doing a Agent Texas cosplay from Red vs. Blue. I want to do the later armor style (like in season 8). Is that Halo 3 Mark VI? Im armor-telling-tarded. Also how in the good name of Odin do you scale things to fit your body? Being a small female I think im going to have to down scale most of the pieces. I know how to get to where you imput the needed data for it but im not sure on how I should go about mesuring myself. Lastly on my list of things I need to ask on the top of my head is which to use? Bondo, resin, or fiberglass? I want my armor to be very durable and last me many moons.
~Thanks <3
i will help with what i can, yes, you want files for halo 3 mk6 armor, go to this site for every file from halo 3 secondly, the size of the file is is in millimeters. get a tailors measuring tape, and measure where the armor will sit, for chest definitely measure your width, in pepakura, when you change a scale size it adjusts every other measurement to keep the piece looking right. other than that measure the length of your your body for whatever part your scaling and add about an inch or so to make room for thickening and padding. lastly, you need resin to harden the outside of the piece so its stable when you thincken. fiberglass will be more expensive, but will be lighter and stronger than bondo. but you will end up with bubbles to fill in when you sand. personally i mix bondo and fiberglass then add resin to create rondo, its like a slush bondo that gets into all the creases easily. i like the bondo-glass because its lighter and takes less material than straight rondo and its just as easy to sand and fill. if you have any more questions, shoot me an e-mail! hope this helps you, also check the creation discussion to see what others say and gain some insightful niggets yourself. heres the link.
Thanks Lnb aka Killer 7. <3
And DarthOblivious that Halo costuming wiki is amazing! Ive downloaded all the MkVI armor and had the Helm scaled to fit me but my printer likes to have little fits and only print out the numbers. =/ But ill have to play around with Bondo-glass, and rondo to see what I like before I put it on my armor. Ill probably go with the Bondo-glass because of it being lighter. Thank you so much!!
What are you using? Pep Viewer, or Pep Designer? (I'm gonna assume designer, seeing as you aren't freaking out about scaling being difficult to actually put in. :p ).

Under "settings", go to "print and paper", and I'm gonna guess that it's set on "print lines smoothly (Bitmap print)". If thats the case, set it to "Print clearly (Vector print)" and that should fix your no-lines issue.

Also, I'm not sure if you have seen yet, but foam is also a VERY good material to work with. Very durable (not quite as much as fiberglass, but fairly close), VASTLY lighter, easier to work with, and in the end, cheaper. (And more forgiving if you make a mistake). Look at some of the foam builds on here and you'll see what I mean.

Anyway, Welcome to the 405th, and can't wait to see how you do! :)

(Tex is freaking awesome btw!!!)
As lordzoabar said, it really depends on your wallet. Best thing you could do is to use the Pepakura for your armor, as that will give your the best and cleanest look. One thing to always remember is that it's not the builder, but the project, I have seen numerous armor creations on here that started out great, but towards the end, people began rushing the job. If you do have a limited time frame, do the parts that will be viewed and credited the most (Helmet, Chest, Arms) and really take your time, whilst worrying about the lower-level parts later, that way your armor will look amazing from a glance or even a close inspection, and if you aren't satisfied with the less-important parts, you will have time to redo them.

As Lordzoabar also said, Foam is a very useful material when doing your first armor. While maybe not as ideal for your first armor build, it can make the padding easier and the weapons a lot smoother. But all in all, keep it positive, and remember no matter how it turns out, you created it, and that's an award-winning achievement right there.

Welcome to the 405th
First off, I would like to say Welcome to the Forums! :D
Third, I can't wait to see what you'll have in store for us!

If you'd like, you can check out my Tex build that I have currently in progress. Maybe you can learn from my success and hardships so you are better educated and have a clearer view as to how you are going to approach this project.
I know that foam is not for people right out of the gate but I would still recommend you give it a try. It's fast, doesn't require harsh chemicals, and it's a lot more comfortable than fiberglass and bondo. I learned this half way through my build so my COD piece is the only piece made out of foam. The only armor exception to foam use would be the helmet due to the fact that it can be fairly difficult to build the helmet out of foam (But there are some people who are just wicked amazing and do REALLY well when they build a foam helmet).
Just as other members have suggested, be sure to take your time on the pieces that people look at.
There are also a lot of threads out here in the forums (Also known as "Stickies") that are LOADED with information and tips that you could use. Be sure to read them and re-read them. Even now, I learn new things that I never would have thought of before!
We are all here to help and don't hesitate to ask us (As long as each question isn't a new thread in itself). PM's and welcome and encouraged!

Again, welcome to the forums and I can't wait to see your progress!

Lordzabar I love you! I wouldnt think it would of been something so simple! You rock! And I was at a con with someone who used foam and I did like it but I already have paper from building (its not finished) a monitor from Halo. So i think for my frist armor Im going to continue with the paper and later on (maybe for my Samus armor) Ill try to use the foam so i can have a feel for both. thanks <3
Psquiddy Im trying to to rush but but i really want this armor for Otakon. tho I think im going to stop rushing and Just save it for Tekko.. which wont be in teh blistering heat >.> thank you <3
Saber You are just awesome! I looked at teh picture of both the master chief and agent tex. i get hyped up eveytime I look at them. I can't wait til I finish mine. Thank you ! <3 You all rock!
well you got a great set up and some great plans! seriously do not rush, or you will end up ruining a piece. really take your time, and have fun with it! i cant wait for pictures, hope you post some soon!!!!
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