Agent Washington — First Build !!

Yesss I was waiting for the con update! I'm glad to hear it went well and that there were minimal issues with things falling apart (I have had a piece fall off of a costume on the walk into the building, lol - thankfully there was a cosplay repair room there!). The pics are great. It looks like you had loads of fun! :)
Thank you !!! And oh my gosh, that’s stressful lol. I brought contact cement with me to have in the truck just incase anything went terribly haywire !!
There aren't enough words to express how impressive your kit is!! I've been a fan of red vs blue for the longest time and seeing a cosplay of it within the community makes me so happy, Your work is phenomenal and I can't wait to see more of your stuff!
Thank you so much, it seriously means a lot to hear that!!
Seriously great suit man!

If you want to add a mic to the helm, they sell little voice amp kits on amazon for about $35 US. You can get a wireless one so you don't have to worry about running a wire between the mic and the speaker. I bought one of those kits, put the mic in the helmet off to one side, and put the speaker in the chest piece so I don't get feedback. Works pretty well! It really makes a difference being able to talk to people without having to yell and lose your voice
Seriously great suit man!

If you want to add a mic to the helm, they sell little voice amp kits on amazon for about $35 US. You can get a wireless one so you don't have to worry about running a wire between the mic and the speaker. I bought one of those kits, put the mic in the helmet off to one side, and put the speaker in the chest piece so I don't get feedback. Works pretty well! It really makes a difference being able to talk to people without having to yell and lose your voice
Thank you so much for this suggestion, I didn’t even think of looking for a wireless option!! This will definitely be next on the list. I didn’t really mind being mute, gesturing like a mime was kind of hilarious, but I’m too chatty to never speak lol !!

Editing to add I just ran and snagged one, it was on sale. Huge dub, thank you thank you
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Con pics and update time !!

First of all, wow. Going to a con in a simple cosplay compared to going to a con in a full suit of armor… completely different experiences. I got stopped for pics so often, got screamed at because people were so excited to see RvB, and got to talk to so many other cosplayers. It was seriously awesome.

Anyway!! I also wanted to share how the suit held up and how comfy mumfy it was. I was genuinely surprised in both of those areas. Friday I walked around as “casual Wash,” my handplate did leave the chat after a handful of hours, but I went home and was more generous with the contact cement. It was solid all day Saturday! The only thing that fell apart on Saturday was the bottom portion of my velcro that holds my thighs up, but I had the whole length of the section be velcro.. so it stayed put because there was still like five inches attached. Shoutout past Antro for being big brain.
Comfort assessment was shockingly solid. I could walk around along with sit and lean back comfortably. I was worried about the helmet since it’s 3 pounds of resin and had no fans. I think the only time my visor fogged was when I was in a very congested area, so it was super hot in that spot. Other than that, I had literally no issues!
I am thinking of getting a voice amplifier and talked to a Mando about his set up as I was basically mute. Not a huge issue (I kinda didn’t hate it lol) and would just take it off to chit chat if people asked questions about it. Ended up being suited up for six hours, was at a very congested convention, and didn’t get sweaty. Go team! It’s the little things, but I know you guys would appreciate that.

I had an awesome weekend and am excited for the next one!! Next on the list… build a handgun and find some different poses, good grief!
I was the ODST, most of the lower half and the helmet was my brother's so that was all new to me walking around with the extra gear and less maneuverability. It was awesome meeting you as I said before but I love that picture! That and the other pictures look great, I did not know you had a build thread going until I stumbled upon it, the suit looked very good. Well done! I hope to see you at other conventions soon!
I was the ODST, most of the lower half and the helmet was my brother's so that was all new to me walking around with the extra gear and less maneuverability. It was awesome meeting you as I said before but I love that picture! That and the other pictures look great, I did not know you had a build thread going until I stumbled upon it, the suit looked very good. Well done! I hope to see you at other conventions soon!
Ahhh, thank you so much!! It was so great meeting you!
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