Aliens M41a Pulse Rifle (from a Nerf Stampede!)

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Totally. At this stage there are no hard of fast ways im going to do it but the are about 3 decent avenues to follow. Microswitch or IR/hall effect sensor on the bolt, or an IR beam on the barrel, which all have pros and cons.

Have you modded a Stampede before? I saw your post about the battery voltage etc. My plan will be to up the votage to 12v and to find a stronger spring (Not too worried about this yet) as this is the standard upgrade for a Stampede. Stronger spring for more range slows down the fire speed, which is countered with upping the voltage (12v or there abouts).

Indeed I have modded a Stampede. Two, in fact. I'm a big Nerf fan and a beginning electrician.
Indeed I have modded a Stampede. Two, in fact. I'm a big Nerf fan and a beginning electrician.

Ah nice, ill have to bounce ideas off you later about battery power. I do alot of electronics/robotics etc myself.

Hey did you see the vid where a guy was testing different voltages on a stampede? He hit about 16v and it was still functioning lol. Wouldnt have been working for much longer tho, but it was shooting so quickly :D Ill see if i can dig it up.
Ah nice, ill have to bounce ideas off you later about battery power. I do alot of electronics/robotics etc myself.

Hey did you see the vid where a guy was testing different voltages on a stampede? He hit about 16v and it was still functioning lol. Wouldnt have been working for much longer tho, but it was shooting so quickly :D Ill see if i can dig it up.

I have indeed seen that video. If its the one where he's comparing different batteries, and ends up nearly frying his stampede?
Ok another quick update. So far ive been trying to create a perfect housing first and then when its ready to trim it to fit the nerf gun. This was a mistake in that its more work for me.

More trimming of the nerf gun. I want to shoehorn it into the shroud without too much damage. Note the orange bolt you can see through the slit in the side! Ill cover this with Epoxy sculpt.

Note both sides of the jam release door slide. The side with the microswitch needs some TLC to work correctly after so much plastic was removed. (Worst case i can solder the contacts closed.


While trimming the motor cover i realised there was more room that i expected. Cool!

And look at this! Everything fits like a ... badly fitting glove ahhaha. Its actually better than i expected. I will go around the top edges in bondo and then put epoxy sculpt on the lower edges. This is so i can remove the housing if needed. Underneath i will add screw holes so i can screw the housing to the nerf gun.


And now going over the bits ive trimmed with epoxy sculpt. This stuff can be sanded and carved etc. You can also see ive trimmed the clip housing part to test fit over the gun. This looks like it will work a breeze. The only problem is that as ive trimmed the top long rectangular section, its bowed. It apparently was under alot of pressure from the rondo. (Not a fan of the properties except for the inside of a helmet.) Anyway i will remake this, or sand them flat and glass it to the bottom clip.



Phew. Cant wait to get a coat of olive drab paint or something like that. So close!



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Quick update, filling in the gab between the top shroud and the nerf gun body with Epoxy sculpt. Good stuff this. Once its all done ill sand it flush and it should be nice and neat.


(I cant wait to get a coat of primer on the shroud, it looks horrible and patchy as it...)


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Quick update, while i was watching Ironman 2 i had a chance to do do the other side.


- I need to have at it with a bit of sand paper.
- Add fiberglass to one of the thin side rails of the shroud as its very thin in one area and will break if bumped.



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insane moDs! I'm working on some stampedes too which are gonna be painted up like pulse rifles. But my mods are mainly internal. Increased ROF and range. Also added tactical rails and scopes
Another update:

This time ive got the clip shroud and upper area fitting correctly on the gun and upper shroud.

I have been filling in gaps and bits where i gutted the nerf gun with epoxy sculpt. Hard as a rock that stuff! :)



As you can see ive completely cut the sides off the top rectangular bit and fiberglassed it onto the clip shroud so it fits over the sides of the gun.


Volla! Sooooooo close now i can almost feel it! Im gonna need to track down some paint.




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Ok its time for another quick update.

Time to work on this during the past 3 weeks has been quite low unfortunately so only little things. Things like adding epoxy sculpt to areas that need to be built up or flattened.

One major issue ive been having is that the grenade launcher section keeps warping massively when i either rondo (Have i mentioned how much i hate rondo?? *Shakes fist*) or fiberglass it.


I put this down to the long length, so ive remade it for the third time (Lucky number three!) and reinforced it with paddle pop sticks. The next step will be to resin the inside, lightly sand the ink and shiny out side so it soaks up the resin more and ill be ready to fiberglass it.


You can also see here ive modified an 18 round clip to be the correct length to fit in the cilp bottom. Ive also tried to make the clip opening large enough to be able to use the 18 round clips during play :D Nerf wars happen when you let your guard down lol.

Some epoxy resin later and it should be ready.



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Wow great work! How many darts can the new clip carry? ALso do you intend too nerf war with it? and how will the new barrel length affect the flight of the darts?
Wow great work! How many darts can the new clip carry? ALso do you intend too nerf war with it? and how will the new barrel length affect the flight of the darts?

I think about 8-9. I was thinking about it and if i can only fit 6 darts, ill have a little cry over destroying an 18, then buy a few 6 clips. :)
Strangely enough ive only lost about an inch off the barrel length, so flights should be comparable. Ill also be trying to find a stronger spring and will be running it on 12v so it should shoot further/a little quicker anyway.

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