An Epic Win For the 405th @ Singapore's License 2 Play Convention! (NEW VIDEO)

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Hey guys last weekend saw the License 2 Play gaming convention take place in Singapore. Along with that came the worlds first East Vs West Cosplay Competition. The competition field would be broken up into east and west categories depending on where the game developers came from. Each category would have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize and an Overall Champion for both categories. I entered the competition as the Rookie from Halo:ODST .

Saturday saw all the contestants gathering votes via text messages and the finalists who were shortlisted had to perform and impress the judges on sunday. Scores were tabulated based on text votes, stage performance and costume accuracy.

By the end of the weekend, my team and I had come out tops as the overall champion.

Local Newspaper Write Up about my suit!








My ODST Stunt Team



My Maintenance Crew



Some Pics from the Stage Performance




Video of the performance

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I love your ODST and how you put it all together. And congrats on your win. I also like how you light up inside the helmet to allow your face to show. Good job.
It's nice to the the 405th get some press but isn't that a Sean Bradley Suit?? I think that should have been said and that you painted and assembled it yourself. Not that you made it yourself. Congrats on the win though.

Hey guys last weekend saw the License 2 Play gaming convention take place in Singapore. Along with that came the worlds first East Vs West Cosplay Competition. The competition field would be broken up into east and west categories depending on where the game developers came from. Each category would have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize and an Overall Champion for both categories. I entered the competition as the Rookie from Halo:ODST .

Saturday saw all the contestants gathering votes via text messages and the finalists who were shortlisted had to perform and impress the judges on sunday. Scores were tabulated based on text votes, stage performance and costume accuracy.

By the end of the weekend, my team and I had come out tops as the overall champion.

Local Newspaper Write Up about my suit!
It's nice to the the 405th get some press but isn't that a Sean Bradley Suit?? I think that should have been said and that you painted and assembled it yourself. Not that you made it yourself. Congrats on the win though.

You are absolutely right Ben. If it is a Sean Bradley suit, then proper credit should be given. With that said. We don’t know what was said or how the interview went for the article that was written. What I’m trying to say is, he could have very well said this in the initial interview, but it never made it to the final write up. A lot of times, articles are trimmed down to fit a certain word count, or stuff could have been edited out to fit within the newspapers available space. This is all speculation, but I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt that this was not intentional. Either way it’s an awesome suit!

BTW, great work on the win! Keep building 405th!
You are absolutely right Ben. If it is a Sean Bradley suit, then proper credit should be given. With that said. We don’t know what was said or how the interview went for the article that was written. What I’m trying to say is, he could have very well said this in the initial interview, but it never made it to the final write up. A lot of times, articles are trimmed down to fit a certain word count, or stuff could have been edited out to fit within the newspapers available space. This is all speculation, but I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt that this was not intentional. Either way it’s an awesome suit!

BTW, great work on the win! Keep building 405th!

Talked to em already, the reporter took certain "liberties" with the story for the tabloid. Still press for the 405th and still congrats again on the win. I personally have never won a costume contest :(
I personally have never won a costume contest :(
Winning a costume contest (especially first place) is one of the greatest feelings ever!! Media attention is also an amazing feeling. I know first hand. ;)
Enter a contest one day and if/when you win, you'll know what I mean!

Thanks guys. Yes I did mention that it was a Sean Bradley Kit multiple times and even mentioned stuff like how my suit only had helmet fans. I also mentioned several people who helped such as my support crew. The reporter chose what to add and what to omit. While I am not too pleased with the article, he did mention my squad and the 405th instead of a certain other costume group and for that I am very thankful.

Oh n this was my first time taking part in a competition. I thought it would be tough but it was alright actually. You guys should try, never know what just might happen.
I'm sure it was just a reporter mistake, that seems to happen regularly. The more simple the explanation, the better story it makes for print. This used to happen to me all the time when dealing with the press. I've been misquoted, misidentified, uncredited and omitted more times than I can count. It kind of just comes with the territory. Shyam worked with a whole bunch of people on this, and really did his best. I applaud his effort nad congratulate on the well deserved win!
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