Sean Bradley said:
Earlier Discussion:
Devastator don't take all these wierd accusations personally. I guess since there has been a tutorial for this up at this site since June that people are inclined to think that you may have used it.
I have no doubt that you came to this technique on your own, and just found this website recently.. I had thought about doing it this way a long time back, but was too nervous to cut a $30 visor until I saw that Blue Realm had done it.
Holy crap Sean - those tut's would've TOTALLY made me more secure when doing this - yeesh - sorry for all the drama everyone
But thanks everyone for the posts
Really - I DO wish I knew about this site ealier - Just found it the other day (see my joined-on date) - LOL I could've bounced some ideas off you guys before working to no avial (AKA sword = 3 months of frustraion and cut up plexi - hehhe)
ANYwho - I hope to be an active member now.
BTW - Just some info on my stuff --> I bought a full suit from Nightmare Armor and have been adjusting it ever since - I'm 6'2" and I think it was made for a slightlty smaller chest & Leg-frame - Damn I'd love to get a body mold that I've now seen BlueRealm made :-D Just started makeing casts and learning all the time
BTW2 - Anybody doing anything special for the launch - NYC is going to have quite a bash from what I hear - great to get some spartans all together (I'll buy the 1st round too) lol
Thanks again!
hey quick question how much are motorcycle visors cost on e-bay usually?
It was like $34 each + $4 shipping - still much cheaper than any shop around me
It wasn't bad using the diamond-cutting wheels like these
It cuts throught it like butter - no worries about cracking, but difficult to control - I suggest practicing on any thin plexi you can find - Oh, I also use a slight touch of a butane torch tha I have from (please don't laugh too hard) creme brulee' set - it made the edges shine like glass (use very carefully - easy to burn & bubble)