Another MA40 painted


New Member
For the second MA40 I decided to go with a. Bit of a custom / non game accurate paint scheme but one that gave it a more prototype feel. Lots of silvers, gun mental/ black and grey. Looks cool but I do like the pop of colour that was on the previous Longshot which I will probably do again on the next one.
Wow that looks insane! need to make myself one soon, hopefully I comes out half as good as yours! What paints did you use if you don't mind me asking?
Wow that looks insane! need to make myself one soon, hopefully I comes out half as good as yours! What paints did you use if you don't mind me asking?
Thanks!! The colours were mainly a lot of what i had left over. The bright silver was a metallic effect spray, i also used a matt gunmetal, matt black and the front end and ammo counter is done with a rover amethyst (like a blue/ silver pearl). It was then coated in a matt clear coat. I will get you the exact names/ brands when i get home.
Thanks!! The colours were mainly a lot of what i had left over. The bright silver was a metallic effect spray, i also used a matt gunmetal, matt black and the front end and ammo counter is done with a rover amethyst (like a blue/ silver pearl). It was then coated in a matt clear coat. I will get you the exact names/ brands when i get home.
That helps a lot I'm gonna need to make one soon, ill use yours as inspiration!
For the second MA40 I decided to go with a. Bit of a custom / non game accurate paint scheme but one that gave it a more prototype feel. Lots of silvers, gun mental/ black and grey. Looks cool but I do like the pop of colour that was on the previous Longshot which I will probably do again on the next one.
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Looks awesome! Where did you find all the decals, are they vinyl stickers? I need to do that to my prop weapons.
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