Any PC games you would like to see on Xbox 360

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It's not out yet, but Star Wars: The Old Republic would be nice. That and Star Wars: Empire at War and Galaxies.
With the low system requirements of WOW it would be pointless to put it on Xbox. Not to mention the fact there would be severe macro limitations, just imagine a shapeshifting druid and being limited to the amount of buttons you have on a controller.

There aren't many games outside of RTS/MMOs that aren't already ported to consoles now anyways. It seems gaming has gone the way of the console pretty much, but for FPS type games I will ALWAYS prefer a decent pc over a console any day.

I did always want to see Metal gear on Xbox 360. Its one of the reasons I sold mine and bought a PS3, and the funny thing is I still have yet to play it, lol.
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