Armor rip...

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Jr Member
well on my last round of resin (the thrird on the outside) the resin hardened on the board we set it on.... i was careful when slowly sawing it off with a steak knife... and then using some wire cutters on some parts, but one parts i slipped and i made a rip in the bottom of the armor... the tear is about one inch on one side, and about 1/2 an inch on the other, then one side is an edge. for now I put some painters tape on the inside to hold it in place. I was thinking of just leaving the tpe there, then resining the inside and make the tape like part of the paper, then fiberglassing over it as well. What is the correct solution for breaks and tears in your armor
I have some tears in mine, although it is unnoticable at the bottom.

What I did was get scotch tape, to hold the peice steady (above, but not on the crack). I then got a hot glue gun, a rubber glove, put some hot glue on and immediatly wiped the excess off (so no big lumps are left) and then held in place so it's solid. I then resined it with 2 coats, and it holds great. You could also fibreglass but if the crack isn't sealed you will have a fibreglassed helm that is out of place where the crack is.
ok, i used painters tape (the blue stuff) in hopes that the resin would absorb into it some like it does the paper, and yes, i have it in the correct place, some resin and fiberglass should do the trick.
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