Art Project: 405th Cafe

Apologies for the lack of an update this week didn't have much time to to work on it.
On the other hand I think I know what I'm going to do with the finished products!
Postcards! To give out at events, I don't have the equipment to make stickers so I think postcards would be good alternatives. What do y'all think?
Postcards is a great idea!


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Ello all, for this weeks update I've changed the tables design to something I prefer to the old one I've also thought about where the cafe is and I decided that it's everywhere and nowhere at the same time. The Grav Hammer has been given a shadow and some jam donated by some rapscallions that our friend Benton188 has taken care of! Outside the window is now a black hole because why not, dare I say, why not.
I've also removed the poster and plan to add something different later.

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