Artorias-First Foam build. Need some .pdo help.

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Hello one and all, fellow members of 405th!
After the success of my Umbrella corp cosplay, I got rehooked to cosplay so I decided to make one of my favourite lore and look wise charachters: Artorias, Knight of the Abyss.
After some digging, I found a fellow member's finds of some foam pdo files.

Problem is, the armor file as is, stands at 2.20m in height and appears to fit slim people of about 1.80+ height.

The thing is, I'm neither THAT slim nor that tall. (Around 1.76)
I bought a program called "Armorsmith Designer" that I find PARTICULARLY helpful since I've always had some issues scaling pdo files in both X and Y axis (since in pep designer they scale in unison)

Issue is, the program considers the entire armour as one single .pdo file, since .. well.. it is.
That means however I cant scale each piece separately or even rotate them to their proper place.
So can anyone separate the pieces from the pdo file?
I would be extremely thankful... Maybe even for a small monetary compensation if that helps :)
(Sorry. I just dont want to sound like I'm asking for favors...)
Anyhow, here is what the file and program look:
(I will also include the .pdo file. Its in zip form since the forum doesnt seem to like .pdo extensions.
Full credit to Cosmonaut for the file)


  • Artorias Progress 4 (1).zip
    5.6 MB · Views: 581
Hello one and all, fellow members of 405th!
After the success of my Umbrella corp cosplay, I got rehooked to cosplay so I decided to make one of my favourite lore and look wise charachters: Artorias, Knight of the Abyss.
After some digging, I found a fellow member's finds of some foam pdo files.

Problem is, the armor file as is, stands at 2.20m in height and appears to fit slim people of about 1.80+ height.

The thing is, I'm neither THAT slim nor that tall. (Around 1.76)
I bought a program called "Armorsmith Designer" that I find PARTICULARLY helpful since I've always had some issues scaling pdo files in both X and Y axis (since in pep designer they scale in unison)

Issue is, the program considers the entire armour as one single .pdo file, since .. well.. it is.
That means however I cant scale each piece separately or even rotate them to their proper place.
So can anyone separate the pieces from the pdo file?
I would be extremely thankful... Maybe even for a small monetary compensation if that helps :)
(Sorry. I just dont want to sound like I'm asking for favors...)
Anyhow, here is what the file and program look:
(I will also include the .pdo file. Its in zip form since the forum doesnt seem to like .pdo extensions.
Full credit to Cosmonaut for the file)
View attachment 252046

Are you still needing any help with this file?
AbvysTamer, this thread is almost a year without a response. Around here if a thread is more than 3-6 months old, older don't reply. It's considered necro- posting and pushes newer, active threads down.

The are plenty of tutorials about scaling on the new recruits section, you'l find everything you need there.
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