Avatar Na'vi Knife


I've been wanting to make a Na'vi knife for a while, so I've begun modelling one in Blender. I used this image of Neytiri's knife for reference:

Neytiri Knife Ref.png

I'm modelling only the hard elements, and I plan to wrap the handle in leather and other material.

This is what I have so far. I'm quite happy with the shape, but I need to refine the geometry a bit before it's ready to print.

Screenshot 2024-01-24 114958.png
Screenshot 2024-01-24 115004.png

Any advice on improving the model is welcome!

Really wanna see how she turns out!
Not Lasky spare my queen! But nah looks sick! Can't wait to see it finished with the wraps and decorative feathers n stuff! Great work!
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