Back in the saddle


New Member
I'm finally ready to start printing again. I hope to have my SPI armor usable by Christmas.
I always love seeing SPI builds! Can't wait to see this one finished! What color scheme are you going with?
I just bought one premade on Etsy. I tried to find a link for you but I can't find it.
was probably rogue workshop's. it got destroyed in their basement flood.
Jazz hands
are those hand plates the right size? They seem massive. also I recommend turning them 90 degrees when you print them it should ease the amount of supports needed and get you nicer prints! overall looking good! I've got mine almost fully printed out all thats left is the chest arms and helmet!
was probably rogue workshop's. it got destroyed in their basement flood.

are those hand plates the right size? They seem massive. also I recommend turning them 90 degrees when you print them it should ease the amount of supports needed and get you nicer prints! overall looking good! I've got mine almost fully printed out all thats left is the chest arms and helmet!
That's unfortunate. Yeah they're the right size. I'll be mounting them to some fairly thick gloves. And I oriented them this way for more lateral strength.
That's unfortunate. Yeah they're the right size. I'll be mounting them to some fairly thick gloves. And I oriented them this way for more lateral strength.
understandable! though I don't see why some hand plates would really need lateral strength. not like you can extend your palms to the point where it needs that strength. either way your build do it how you want! just saying that those top layer lines are not gonna be fun to get out...
understandable! though I don't see why some hand plates would really need lateral strength. not like you can extend your palms to the point where it needs that strength. either way your build do it how you want! just saying that those top layer lines are not gonna be fun to get out...
*laughs in Bondo and spackle*
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