Fresh off the Ring (Suggestions?)


New Member
Trying to figure out a number for my MK7 any suggestions?


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For me I use my birth year so Spartan-095 I forget the Spartan numbering convention if there is one for S-IV's if I'm not mistaken they just go by last name. I could be wrong
Personally - Don't just blindly make up a number.

1 - Some day you may choose to apply for deployment and get *issued* a DIN number. You don't want to tie your cosplay character ID to something you made up (095) only to get issued (987) leaving you to transition your armor, your social media (Worainu-095 on Instagram for example). That's just a mess.

2 - You're part of the 405th now, right? And somebody else may already be issued that number (or will receive it officially in the future) and may not take well to you ghosting/cloning their DIN.

3 - Policy for social media handles like on the Discord server is you can't put a number on the end of your handle unless its your issued DIN.

Obviously if you are fully re-creating a canon character then its expected to wear 117 (John) or 052 (Jorge) etc. but otherwise, personally, I'd avoid just slapping any old number on your suit.

Another thing to ask is there a claiming system for numbers or do some members rock duplicates?
You can't just claim a number. When your costume is ready to apply for Deployment you include up to 3 numbers on the application and hope they're still available at the time.

I posted a link in the previous post - you should read up on deployment
My own number (402) is just my old area code
But to be clear - its the number you put on the deployment application when you were ready.
Yeah it came from your old area code, but it was your official number only after deployment.
{Just trying to be detail-centric for the new people}
You can put whatever number you want on your suit, it’s your suit after all! Like above, the only time we give out numbers is through our deployment system, which is entirely optional and not required for any level of participation with the 405th.

Our motto is Build Your Character, don’t let a supposedly taken number dissuade you from customizing your build!
But to be clear - its the number you put on the deployment application when you were ready.
Yeah it came from your old area code, but it was your official number only after deployment.
{Just trying to be detail-centric for the new people}
People can still put whatever number they want on their suit, even if it’s not their DIN
People can still put whatever number they want on their suit, even if it’s not their DIN
Oh yeah - they can. I tried to be clear that not doing so was my personal choice/suggestion and a couple reasons why.
But can they? yeah.

For me: Getting that official number & recognition was strong motivation to not procrastinate about getting good armor done. Sometimes you just need to find that thing that pushes you to not lollygag.

And perks like being able to get a digital trading card is kinda nice.


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For Clarity's sake, here in the 405th we have several levels of voluntary membership, Worainu .

Just by registering a Forum account you are considered a 405th Member.

Once you have been active on the Forums for over 90 Days and have made 50 constructive posts you are eligible to join your local Regiment, which is a Regional Sub-Unit that organizes in person convention, community event, and charity appearances. A costume is not required to join your local Regiment and work with them at events.

Once you have joined your local Regiment and completed a costume, you are eligible to go through the Deployment Program, where your costume is awarded one of three Tiers based on Construction, fit, and accuracy, and you are awarded your unique Division Identity Number, a number that tracks you through this Program and in the 405th itself.

There is no Rule or Policy that you may only display your awarded DIN on your armor. You are free to customize your costume however you see fit. That said, it can cause confusion if you display a number on your armor that has been awarded to another member. That is why many members will either wait to display a number on their armor until after they have gone trough Deployment, or will check the list of awarded DINs in the Deployment FAQ and with a Division Membership Officer, also listed in the Deployment FAQ, to ensure the number they want to use on their costume and in their Deployment Application has not been issued yet. However, there is no "claiming" a DIN ahead of time as they are awarded First Come, First Served, as it were.

For me, I used my basic training roster number 126. 1st platoon 26th in line, my first suit is ever made, i put that number on my chest plate

Trying to figure out a number for my MK7 any suggestions?
I'll chime in with another variant of number-meaning; I plan to use 739, as it's a phoneword of my last name!

it's also a random, high number, so I was in luck it's not taken

Of course I realise this is a very niche case, as most last names aren't 3 letters long. But you could look into using a 3-letter acronym (i.e your first, middle and last name) (don't worry about doxxing it's near impossible to decrypt it) and converting it to numbers!

numpad for reference
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This is very educational and has definitely gotten me thinking. How is assignment of DIN’s decided
well Cadet provided all the resources and break down you need above, but I'll rephrase to help a lil'

There is a stored list of all current member DIN's, located in this thread;
Each DIN is unique to each member on the site, as to not cause confusion. (there may be two members with duplicate DIN's, but I assume that was from long long ago, before a real list was made and kept strict)

Once a member has made 50 constructive posts and their account registered for over 90 days, they then can ask to be added to their local Regiment, seen in the below thread;
And once they are in their respective Regiment, they then can request Deployment of their finished costume, seen in the pinned Forum bar: Requests > Request Deployment

Along with getting a Tier rating for your finished costume, seen here, you also get assigned a DIN. You apply for Deployment with 3 separate options for your DIN. If option 1 is taken, option 2 will be used. If option 2 is taken, blah blah blah you get it.

I think I covered most of it, but please keep in mind I am not a staff member, and there may be inaccuracies in what I understand.

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