Battle Music

Duel of the Fates (especially the version 2 by Samuel Kim) would be a pretty good track.

I'd also add to my previous list for game themes:
  • Devil May Cry 4's Shall Never Surrender,
  • Devil May Cry 3's Devils Never Cry,
  • Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Dracula's castle,
  • Shantae - Dance through the Danger. (Especially the Richaadeb and Christina Vee version)
  • Metroid - Escape (particularly the Gametal remix)
Hey! When it comes to helmet music, I'd go for something really energizing, like "Warriors" by Imagine Dragons. Nothing boosts the adrenaline during a fight like that! For me, it’s the perfect mix of emotion and motivation.

By the way, there's nothing better than good music combined with intense action. Maybe we should create a playlist for Spartans?
Every time we touch - Cascada
TiK ToK - Ke$ha
Shake it off (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
Donald Trump - Mac Miller
Doom Slayer - Alex Terrible
BFG Division - Alex Terrible
Half of me wants to say the NieR Automata soundtrack, but some good ol’ bluegrass country sounds pretty good right now too.
Bang Bang (My Titan Shot Him Down) from one of the Titanfall 2 trailers would be my go to, Troupe Master Grimm because one it's awesome and two my paint job is inspired by him so kind of a no brainer. Some miscellaneous would be Razormind by Simon Viklund, Motherland by Reach, Eclipse of the Sun from Hyrule Warriors, and Kings by Jose Pavli.
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