Beginner cosplayer seeking advice on building a Metroid cosplay


New Member

I'm not sure where to start, but last month, I attended MegaCon in Orlando and was fortunate to have stumbled across the 405th's booth on the first day. I met a very kind member there who allowed me to check out the helmets he'd created and told me all about how he'd created them. I was really excited, and when I told him I'd been wanting to make my own armor, he encouraged me to seek help on this site. I am very new to the Halo series (only played some of Reach so far; it's great!), but what I really want is to build Samus Aran's armor from the Metroid series. He still encouraged me to come here. I am really sorry that I forgot his name, but I remember his Spartan number here is 073.

I can't say enough what his kindness and encouragement meant to me. I've been wanting to make this cosplay for over six years, ever since I got into Metroid, but, frankly, I'm at a loss of where to begin. I've never been a crafty person. I've never 3D-printed anything before, or created anything out of foam. I don't know what the best way to take measurements is, or the kinds of foam, paint, and other materials I should purchase/use for making armor.

I realize this is a very large goal, especially since Samus's armor is so complicated, and especially since I'm brand-new at this. I also realize this is kind of vague, so if I need to be more specific, please ask me. I would be sincerely grateful for any kind of help.
Well now you’re making me want to make Samus armor too! Welcome aboard. A lot of people will recommend purchasing Armorsmith to help with body dimension planning and sizing. I used it as well for my first build (in progress) and there is some nuance to it, like appropriate proportion locations, but overall it’s really helpful.

Then decide your medium. Foam vs printing. You’ll want to do some research on the availability of models to print or “unfold” I believe is the foam term, but I did printing for mine so I know nothing about foam.

What you’ll find here are a lot of techniques. Harnesses, helmet fans, printing parameters, Armorsmith fitting, filling/sanding/painting etc. And a lot of Halo armor files. It’s overwhelming and as you’re bent over a piece of armor with a detail sander you’ll wonder why you ever started this, but once you stand back and look at all you’ve done over the last nine months, you’ll be proud of what you’ve accomplished.
I am really sorry that I forgot his name, but I remember his Spartan number here is 073.
if I am not mistaken, that would be Ulfhedinn073 ;)

As for the Samus suit, that would certainly be a tough but rewarding build. I do love seeing it tho, very iconic armour.

I know of llspidey on Instagram who has probably my favourite build of Samus, and she's got a ton of content/photos for references.

She ALSO has added references to how she built it in her descriptions, which I will list out here for you;
Hope this info helps, and you feel inspired to get started!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

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