Ok guys I need help in designing the mechanics to make this work. I want the front handle's movement to control the up/down movement of the Laser's cover. Ideas??? Comments??
Have a rod to the handle, so when the handle is moved the rod moves. On another rod marked as point A you have two egg shaped leavers made of plastic. Now when the handle is moved they both move. Have another rod to another plastic leaver at point B that will transfer the motion to two more leavers on the same shaft placed closer to the outside of the body. They in turn push two robs which lift the housing for the barrel.
a few yaers ago i did a science project concerning magnetic levitation. After looking at this i realized that the idea i used was similar but in this case vertical. Heres what you do.
1. attach a spring inside each of the rail looking things torward the back of the cover.
2. Place a series of magnets in the under part of the cover where the two silver cylander lookin things are.
3. place magnets in the handel so that when the handel is closed the magnets attract and hold the cover shut.
4. to open, just push the lever forward . This terminates the magnetic attraction and allows the springs to push the cover into the open position.
not to sound like a complete jerk but did you read this thread at all?? or did you just look at the pictures?? I fully explained how I built this throughout this very thread. I will answer any questions you have (pertaining to steps I have already completed) about the laser that I have not already answered in this thread.
On to updates:
Did some more detail work today, and gorilla glued several pieces together. Before I fully glue the detail layers to the base layers though I still have cleanup work to do on both the base parts, and the details. Here's some shots of today's work on the main body
oops, my bad. What i had meant were dimensions. I dont have a big printer so i cant really do what you did. its cool if you dont have dimensions though.
you can probably find one sheaper somewhere else, but i thought it was cool because you can see the laser in the air. Anyways, fantastic job so far!! Btw, you are my idol on 405th haha
Oh also idk if it helps, but here is a folding handle:
oops, my bad. What i had meant were dimensions. I dont have a big printer so i cant really do what you did. its cool if you dont have dimensions though.
I printed this on multiple 8.5 x 11 sheets of card-stock. then I taped them together. The laser is 989mm long from the tip of the front handle thingy to the back, it is 313mm high, and 113mm wide. In inches that's 38.9370079 inches long x 12.3228346 inches high x 4.4488189 inches wide.