Well, Christi, in response to your first plea; I'm very glad that you're not comparing it to Halo 3. That irritates me to no end when people blatantly say "Bioshock is BETTER than Halo 3 because," and go off on some tirade. These half-baked potatoes haven't played Halo 3, therefore have no leg to stand on.
But yes, it is a good game. After brutally massacring through The Darkness (fun as... well, Hell! lolz), I went and bought Bioshock to see what all the fuss was about. Now, before I go into this next fun factoid, let me fill you all in on the story.
So, my Xbox, when I finally got it back, displayed the three Red Rings of Doom. Bad, Microsoft, bad. I called them up, and another box was sent to me so that I may send it in for repairs. Well, then it started working again. Tech Support's advice was to try and crash the 360. If within 2-4 days it crashed, send it in. If not, I was good to go. So I played hard.
Wednesday I got Bioshock, and it was B-E-A-Utiful! It was tense, engaging, visually stunning, everything that I had thought it would be. But then, sadly, I had to go to bed. 9 am class and all. On Thursday, my box had crashed. Bioshock was just too much for the poor little guy. So, now I wait bored, with only my World of Warcrack to sustain my gamer needs.
I hope I get my 360 back before the 24th.