Jr Member
Hello folks
Welcome to my WIP thread for my Space Marine Armour project. A bit about me; I'm 25 from Scotland, UK and a 'noob' but keen armour maker. Like many of you I'm fairly new to this forum, I stumbled across it after getting involved firstly in Deviant Art (http://niallcampbell.deviantart.com) then searching on Google for ways to make armour/props and getting told about the 405th by people I met through DevArt.
While I aim eventually to make myself a set of Spartan and hopefully Ghost Recon/Gears of War armour, my main project to start off with is a suit of 40K Space Marine Armour. I've spent a few days reading the stickies, PMing some fellow 40K Armourers here and now I've pepped a few pieces to show you below. I'll try and update as my project progresses to keep you all in the loop.
Thanks to the following members who have all given me great information, advice and inspiration (not to mention use of their Pep files!): Brashsculptor, Nintendude, Amancue, Samuray, Judge and Chwbcc. If there are any other 40K'ers on the forum feel free to message me or write below any advice you might have.
Thanks for reading my wee intro - and now...on with the show!
Helmet: OK so first of all I barelled straight into pepping a file...how wrong was I not to scale first! The fruit of my efforts is displayed below. This needs no words other than *facepalm*.
As you can see it's far too big! A lesson to everyone not to just hit 'print' haha
21 sheets of cardboard later I had this:

Scaling Method: I’ve tried a mix of methods (my 'print an image and measure it' effort is displayed below) and I haven’t settled on any method in particular that works that well yet. I'm going to try just measuring my head/limbs etc and trying that out, adding on an inch or two for padding here and there. If you guys can point out anything wrong with my scaling system as detailed below I'd be grateful

Shoulder Attempt Number 1: As you can see I didn't take my lesson with the helmet to heart to begin with - my first shoulder was again printed off the bat on default scale settings - tiny wee thing that even a Sister of Battle would laugh at!!

Shoulder Attempt Number 2: What do you guys think of the scale? Do you think it should be a wee bit smaller? It’s curently 415mm high based on my scaling sheet above. I guess it's kind of hard to tell without a chest piece or helmet to show with it.

Chainsword and Bolt Pistol: The sword was based round a balsa wood shape and built up with sheets of insulating foam, covered in good old paper maché and painted. The pistol was free carved from a single block of insulating foam hence why it's a bit sketchy looking. I may redo these at some point once I've got the actual armour made.

My aim is to paint this in the chapter colours of the Blood Ravens. Now I’d LOVE if someone could please (with their kind permission
) adapt Samuray’s or Judge’s armour piece to incorporate the Blood Raven chest symbol insted of the Imperial Eagle. Unfortunately i’m not used to Pepakura but I'm going to give it a try myself. For your reference here's a picture of what I'd like on the chest in place of the Eagle:

Chest Piece: I've had fun tonight making the chest piece - 90% pepped (too tired to cut out the rest!) and it fits...just haha. I measured across my shoulders and used this as the depth for scaling Judge's original design. I added on a few cm's but it is still a wee bit tight. I think it will do in the end though!

Chest Conversion: I had to do a conversion on the chest piece to get my helmet to stick inside - what do you guys think? I think it turned out pretty well for a quick improvised fix. It's a bit weak at the moment but resin/fibreglass stage will fix that!

Backpack: Having lots of fun with the backpack and I think the scale is going to be spot on
Thanks for the tips Judge!!

Helmet Number 2: Started making a Beaky helm to fit in my second chect (normal neck size, unconverted!) I'm not convinced it's going to be 'tall' enough but we'll see.

Belt: First attempt - came out fine if you ask me, I'll probably stick with it!

Shins: I've done both shins now, but these are just a few shots of the right one I took on the first night after making them. Let me know what you think - tall enough?

Colour Scheme and Ideas: Been messing around with colour schemes and ideas - so far I've come up with the image below. I'm going to try and scratch build some 'wings' onto the helmet and add on the cloth towards the end. Designs to be confirmed of course, these are all WIP shots after all.

Overall Assembly: OK Here's what I have so far. I'm working on adding the chapter symbol and the forearms right now. What do you guys think of the scale of the shoulders? I think they may be slightly too tall (like a few cms).

Good luck with your armour projects everyone, I'll try and update as regularly as I can
If anyone has any advice, hints, tips or constructive criticism I'd love to hear it.
P.S. Here's a few of my work area

Welcome to my WIP thread for my Space Marine Armour project. A bit about me; I'm 25 from Scotland, UK and a 'noob' but keen armour maker. Like many of you I'm fairly new to this forum, I stumbled across it after getting involved firstly in Deviant Art (http://niallcampbell.deviantart.com) then searching on Google for ways to make armour/props and getting told about the 405th by people I met through DevArt.
While I aim eventually to make myself a set of Spartan and hopefully Ghost Recon/Gears of War armour, my main project to start off with is a suit of 40K Space Marine Armour. I've spent a few days reading the stickies, PMing some fellow 40K Armourers here and now I've pepped a few pieces to show you below. I'll try and update as my project progresses to keep you all in the loop.
Thanks to the following members who have all given me great information, advice and inspiration (not to mention use of their Pep files!): Brashsculptor, Nintendude, Amancue, Samuray, Judge and Chwbcc. If there are any other 40K'ers on the forum feel free to message me or write below any advice you might have.
Thanks for reading my wee intro - and now...on with the show!
Helmet: OK so first of all I barelled straight into pepping a file...how wrong was I not to scale first! The fruit of my efforts is displayed below. This needs no words other than *facepalm*.
As you can see it's far too big! A lesson to everyone not to just hit 'print' haha

Scaling Method: I’ve tried a mix of methods (my 'print an image and measure it' effort is displayed below) and I haven’t settled on any method in particular that works that well yet. I'm going to try just measuring my head/limbs etc and trying that out, adding on an inch or two for padding here and there. If you guys can point out anything wrong with my scaling system as detailed below I'd be grateful

Shoulder Attempt Number 1: As you can see I didn't take my lesson with the helmet to heart to begin with - my first shoulder was again printed off the bat on default scale settings - tiny wee thing that even a Sister of Battle would laugh at!!

Shoulder Attempt Number 2: What do you guys think of the scale? Do you think it should be a wee bit smaller? It’s curently 415mm high based on my scaling sheet above. I guess it's kind of hard to tell without a chest piece or helmet to show with it.

Chainsword and Bolt Pistol: The sword was based round a balsa wood shape and built up with sheets of insulating foam, covered in good old paper maché and painted. The pistol was free carved from a single block of insulating foam hence why it's a bit sketchy looking. I may redo these at some point once I've got the actual armour made.

My aim is to paint this in the chapter colours of the Blood Ravens. Now I’d LOVE if someone could please (with their kind permission

Chest Piece: I've had fun tonight making the chest piece - 90% pepped (too tired to cut out the rest!) and it fits...just haha. I measured across my shoulders and used this as the depth for scaling Judge's original design. I added on a few cm's but it is still a wee bit tight. I think it will do in the end though!

Chest Conversion: I had to do a conversion on the chest piece to get my helmet to stick inside - what do you guys think? I think it turned out pretty well for a quick improvised fix. It's a bit weak at the moment but resin/fibreglass stage will fix that!

Backpack: Having lots of fun with the backpack and I think the scale is going to be spot on

Helmet Number 2: Started making a Beaky helm to fit in my second chect (normal neck size, unconverted!) I'm not convinced it's going to be 'tall' enough but we'll see.

Belt: First attempt - came out fine if you ask me, I'll probably stick with it!

Shins: I've done both shins now, but these are just a few shots of the right one I took on the first night after making them. Let me know what you think - tall enough?

Colour Scheme and Ideas: Been messing around with colour schemes and ideas - so far I've come up with the image below. I'm going to try and scratch build some 'wings' onto the helmet and add on the cloth towards the end. Designs to be confirmed of course, these are all WIP shots after all.

Overall Assembly: OK Here's what I have so far. I'm working on adding the chapter symbol and the forearms right now. What do you guys think of the scale of the shoulders? I think they may be slightly too tall (like a few cms).

Good luck with your armour projects everyone, I'll try and update as regularly as I can
P.S. Here's a few of my work area