Blorin's Halo Reach Sniper build W.I.P.

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Jr Member
Hello all, this is my first post here on the forums been lurking for a month or so so i decided to show my first-ish project. I started out on a helmet but kept getting the sizing wrong so i put it on the back burner for now and i challenge myself with a weapon first. So I decided so go with L3X's Halo Reach Sniper rifle. I so far have finished peping the barrels and receiver and holy cow its huge, what have i gotten myself into lol.
Here are a few pics of my progress so far, hope you enjoy them :)

Receiver and clip

Barrels and stuff



It together so far...
It spans the length of my bed already!

anyway that's it so far. Any comments, critiques, questions, or tips are most welcome :D


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Oh man that looks awesome. Really really neat pep. Weapons are (apparently) much harder than armor, so props to you!!
It's not that often that pepakura weapons make me stand up and take note. I know just how tough it is to keep them clean, and this is exceptionally clean. If the rest of the build continues in the same fashion, it will be very impressive. Keep up the extraordinary work.
Oh man that looks awesome. Really really neat pep. Weapons are (apparently) much harder than armor, so props to you!!

Thanks Jay I'm finding that out haha, looking at the scope parts makes me ponder what i was thinking but I look at it this way if I can tackle this then armor is going to be a cake walk *knock on wood*

It's not that often that pepakura weapons make me stand up and take note. I know just how tough it is to keep them clean, and this is exceptionally clean. If the rest of the build continues in the same fashion, it will be very impressive. Keep up the extraordinary work.

Thanks Brandon, I'm trying to take my time to make sure everything is lined up. tho I did run into a minor bit of twisting on the thin part at the back end of the receiver but I think I can fix it in the resin stage, hopefully.

little bit of an update I started on the heat sink and im concerned on how im going to reinforce it where the barrel meets up with it. That barrel is huge and surprisingly heavy, I reinforced the barrel with cardboard and i hope it holds up. I was thinking of expanding foam after i coated it in resin but I'm worried that it might just pop the part open under pressure. What do you guys think? If any of you have another idea that might work I would love any suggestions :)
anyway that's it for now i should have more pics up soonish.
Excellent work on a very intimidating piece of pep. Keep it up!

By the way, I wouldn't use the word 'clip' for a rifle of this sort. 'Magazine' (or 'mag') is more accurate.

Pedantic I know, but I used to get shouted at for saying 'clip' all of the time. :)
Excellent work on a very intimidating piece of pep. Keep it up!

By the way, I wouldn't use the word 'clip' for a rifle of this sort. 'Magazine' (or 'mag') is more accurate.

Pedantic I know, but I used to get shouted at for saying 'clip' all of the time. :)

To get technical, a clip has no moving parts, it merely holds bullets.
A magazine has moving parts (ie. the spring mechanism that pushed the next round into the chamber).
Clips haven't really been used wince WWI lol.
Now that that's cleared up... continue with your epic build!
And the magazine ;)
I have seen a lot of pep weapon build go sideways in the reinforcement stage. The expanding foam has a tendency to Earp the part under pressure, especially large areas. Never having attempted that process myself I can really give you any hands on advice.
I have seen a lot of pep weapon build go sideways in the reinforcement stage. The expanding foam has a tendency to Earp the part under pressure, especially large areas. Never having attempted that process myself I can really give you any hands on advice.

This is true, and as far as structural support goes, I'd personally chose a thousand things before expansion foam.
Keep in mind that expansion foam must react with air in order to completely set, and if you're spraying it down into a piece (let's say the stock or something) then only the top layer, closest to the opening may set. Everything beneath it is held in a semi liquid tacky state due to the air seal the top layer has made, and therefore not only will it not provide any support at all, but it may cause problems later on.
I filled a horn with expansion foam, almost a week later I was filing down the exterior and I accidentally filed through the pep. Well the stuff inside spurted out and ended up setting on my file, and on the exterior of the horn. Really annoying!
Excellent work on a very intimidating piece of pep. Keep it up!

By the way, I wouldn't use the word 'clip' for a rifle of this sort. 'Magazine' (or 'mag') is more accurate.

Pedantic I know, but I used to get shouted at for saying 'clip' all of the time. :)

oops, my bad will use mag from now on!

I have seen a lot of pep weapon build go sideways in the reinforcement stage. The expanding foam has a tendency to Earp the part under pressure, especially large areas. Never having attempted that process myself I can really give you any hands on advice.

That's what i was worried about.

This is true, and as far as structural support goes, I'd personally chose a thousand things before expansion foam.
Keep in mind that expansion foam must react with air in order to completely set, and if you're spraying it down into a piece (let's say the stock or something) then only the top layer, closest to the opening may set. Everything beneath it is held in a semi liquid tacky state due to the air seal the top layer has made, and therefore not only will it not provide any support at all, but it may cause problems later on.
I filled a horn with expansion foam, almost a week later I was filing down the exterior and I accidentally filed through the pep. Well the stuff inside spurted out and ended up setting on my file, and on the exterior of the horn. Really annoying!

Wow, I didn't know that! Thanks for the heads up! Looks like I'll go the rondo route it seems like the logical option then.
Having just finished this rifle myself I can help. I did rondo and it came out alright but you will have several problems. Number one will be warping. Most of your parts will warp one way or another. I would have to say the long part of the receiver where the grip comes up against was the worst. I recommend cutting that out after hardening, it warped on me really bad so I just made a piece out of wood to replace it. Also on my rifle the part where the mag enters into the receiver warped shut a bit so its pretty hard for me to put it in or take it out. I somewhat like it so I dont have to worry about the mag falling out. Also I didnt do the part where the scope attaches to the rifle. I left those flat because of the warping issues I had took into some consideration before I started. I could go on and on but I wont so pm me if you have any questions and what not.
Heat-sink is now done closing it up was kinda a pain but I did it with little flaws, the hollow spots of the sight were kinda a pain but that was about it.


Now onto the grip! More updates coming soon! Again any comments, questions, critiques, or tips are greatly welcome.


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How did you get that pep looking so clean???

Just taking my time and making sure it all lines up as close as possible. I also have a great pair of tweasers and some magnifing glasses that used to be my dad's, those things are a godsend for seeing the small parts. I can take a picture of them if ya like. Also a great pair of scissors and a good set of hobby knives.

Update! Grip is finished! only sholder rest and scope left to do! Im seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for the peping phase!


Progress so far.


Man this thing is huge and awesome:D


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Ik I need to line em up right hot glue just sets pretty quick what glue do u use?

I use Aleene's Original Tacky Glue, you can find it at most craft stores. I just did a quick google search here's a link to michaels >Link!<
I like the stuff cause it sets fairly quickly and is a strong bond but still has a little give to it. It is non toxic so you should be able to order it and have it shipped anywhere.
That rifle has always impressed me with how freaking big it is when modeled as a prop. Excellent work on the pep so far. Keep up the great work, I'll be excited to see how it works out.
That pep work is as clean as a pep can be. I can't wait to see how this finishes out.
That rifle has always impressed me with how freaking big it is when modeled as a prop. Excellent work on the pep so far. Keep up the great work, I'll be excited to see how it works out.

That pep work is as clean as a pep can be. I can't wait to see how this finishes out.

The M1 Garand uses an 8-round en bloc clip and was fielded as late as the Viet Nam War. Just to get technical. :)

On topic: Clean pep!

Thanks you all for the kind comments on my pep work, it really helps me keep motivated.

Minor little update. I started working on the sholder rest section. I was looking at the part that has the charging lever for the bolt and a couple referance pictures from Halopedia, and it looked all wrong to me. So started my first modification to the weapon.

I first started out marking and cutting out the area that i was going to change.


I then set out to make a couple stencles and making a bunch of layers.

First layer.

2nd and 3rd layers added

And finished part, I'll add the lever in later im thinking ill make it outta dowels.

Thats probably all the news for today, back to peping!


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