Props Blueprints Halo 3 Spartan Laser

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And here begins the next installment of schematics I'm currently working on for a fellow 405th member; the SPARTAN Laser. To get right to the point (I know everyone just wants to see pics, lol), this is what I managed to get done over the course of the weekend:

Splaser Schematic -- Draft # 01/Pic 01

Splaser Schematic -- Draft # 01/Pic 02

The first pic shows what I got done before I finally decided to take a short break (had been working on it for... um... well, a "few" hours anyway :p). The second pic shows most of the details now drawn into it. Just a few more to put in.

I decided to use some existing design elements from the SPNKr Rocket Launcher (seen lightly traced out underneath), such as the placement of the forward grip, trigger and shoulder brace. Figured they'd probably be the same for both weapons, if going with the assumption that the UNSC would make some things standard on similar-type weaponry. This does measure in a little shorter than the SPNKr, by a little more than a foot, but has a lot more to the main body than the SPNKr does.

The majority of what is seen above was done on Saturday. I would've been able to put more time into it later in the weekend, but the gf and I had a couple friends over at the house for dinner on Sunday. So, no time to work, lol.

I already know there are some things that will need to be "tweaked" (need to shorten it by 1/4" height-wise, lengthen the rear portion by about 4") so that the details are the proper distance from one another, based on the reference material I was using.

Oh, speaking of which... what you see above I ended up doing with just two pics -- one posted by Leyton in my "In Search Of..." thread, and a very small blueprint pic -- as I lost my internet connection part-way through Saturday and wasn't able to reference the awesome pics juliet76 posted in the gallery here for me.

Thanks for that btw, buddy (they'll really help me figure out the rest of the sizing/placement of the details) ;)

So, all in all, considering what I had to work with to get started on this, I'd say even with the few glaring flaws in size it came out pretty well.

Anyway, there you have it. That's my progress thus far with this set. Questions and comments welcome.

P.S., For anyone wondering, yes, I am doing these based on my "old" method of 8 1/2 by 11 sheets taped together. The reason being the member I'm doing these for requested it, so it'll be easier for me to scan it in and then e-mail it to him. I didn't have my regular paper on hand at the gf's place, but once I'm done it'll be on line-less printer paper.
I already know there are some things that will need to be "tweaked" (need to shorten it by 1/4" height-wise, lengthen the rear portion by about 4") so that the details are the proper distance from one another, based on the reference material I was using.

Until I read this part I was going to ask whether it was an optical illusion or if it was actually too short. :p
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23Magnum said:
Until I read this part I was going to ask whether it was an optical illusion or if it was actually too short. :p

:lol Yes, it is a little too short at present, hence why I need to add another 4-6 inches to the end of it. After getting this far along with it and taking a step back to look at it overall, I realized some of the details on the rear third of it were too close together. Still, for simply eye-balling a couple pics and putting it down on paper, I'd say it turned out pretty well, all things considered.

mjolnir follower said:
Awesome,and LOL 23magnum.

Thanks, dude. Although I am using the "old" method for immediate purposes, like with the SPNKr schematics I plan on transferring this to the larger paper format, so that each view of it is on a single page. Looks more polished and professional that way, imho.
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Hey I just remembered something from my board drawing days that might be helpful for your drawings. I don't remember what prior experience you said you have with drafting, but whatever surface space you have desk-wise or whatnot could probably use a layer of that green vinyl fixed to the surface somehow. It provides enough of a cushion to keep from pressing too hard and makes erasing much easier. Of course, if you already have that just ignore this post.
Underdogg13 said:
When could we expect this to be finished?

I can't really say just when I'll be done with this as I have a few other things (ie. job interviews, resolving that damned fridge issue from last week) keeping me busy this week, but it will definately be soon. Within the next two weeks, I'd imagine.

The member I'm doing these for doesn't require all of the views, just one side profile and the ventral/dorsal views. Of course, since I'm going to be transferring this to the larger format I will be doing the front and rear views as well, once I've got the correct width figured out (I'm thinking 6+ inches for that).

23Magnum said:
Hey I just remembered something from my board drawing days that might be helpful for your drawings. I don't remember what prior experience you said you have with drafting, but whatever surface space you have desk-wise or whatnot could probably use a layer of that green vinyl fixed to the surface somehow. It provides enough of a cushion to keep from pressing too hard and makes erasing much easier. Of course, if you already have that just ignore this post.

Actually, I don't do the pencil-to-pen approach for drafting these. I go right to using pen, and then use black Sharpie marker to further draw out the design (as seen in the pics I posted). I've always done my first drafts very dirty, and so anticipate the first draft will be a very rough one, considering my approach to it, lol.

Thanks for the tip though, buddy :cool
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Actually, I don't do the pencil-to-pen approach for drafting these. I go right to using pen, and then use black Sharpie marker to further draw out the design (as seen in the pics I posted). I always anticipate the first draft will be a very rough one, considering my approach to it, lol. Thanks for the tip though, buddy :cool

You're a lot brave than I then.

Still, it works for pens too. You just can't erase, but it's a lot easier on the hands. Trust me.
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23Magnum said:
You're a lot brave than I then.

Still, it works for pens too. You just can't erase, but it's a lot easier on the hands. Trust me.

Perhaps... or maybe I'm just that good :D

Just kidding! Don't want to come off sounding egotistical or anything, lol.

Well, if that can also work for pens (I know what you mean about the hands, ugh), I might try that out then. When you say "a layer of that green vinyl", do you mean those grid-marked cutting mats? :unsure
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Well you can get it with a grid I think, but it's more hassle than it's worth I believe.

Here's what I'm talking about: Click.

That's not necessarily the source I'd used, but that's an example of the material I'm talking about. Look up drafting supplies in your area. You should be able to find a store or some place that has it.
23Magnum said:
Well you can get it with a grid I think, but it's more hassle than it's worth I believe.

Here's what I'm talking about: Click.

That's not necessarily the source I'd used, but that's an example of the material I'm talking about. Look up drafting supplies in your area. You should be able to find a store or some place that has it.

Ahhh... that's what you're talking about. Yeah, I know the stuff; it's good for putting over drafting tables. Which I plan on getting one soon for over at the gf's place (we've already picked out a spot for it, too), as I obviously don't have the space here for that, lol.

I'm definately going to pick some of that up for future drafting work, as drawing on a hard surface does kinda hurt the hands. Again, thanks for the tip, my friend :)

Btw, here's another update on the additional work I've been able to do on it since Saturday:

Splaser Schematic -- Draft # 01/Pic 03

As can obviously be seen, I was having some difficulty getting the details behind the trigger/grip area just right, which required me to extend the shoulder brace a little further back from the original positioning on the SPNKr. Should still fit comfortably enough, imho.

At this point, these further revisions have added another 2 1/2 inches to the rear of the Laser, so I can now rearrange the details better, such as moving the indented "disc" closer to the rear. I also took off 1/4" from the bottom of the grip, as it seemed a little too tall. May even trim a little more off the bottom. Who knows.

That doesn't even include the other 1/4" I plan on trimming off the top of the rear two thirds behind the barrel. I think all this trimming will give it the proper, narrower "streamlined" look the in-game model has.

EDIT: For anyone wanting to know, the current version measures 39 1/2" long by 15" tall. Height soon to be 14 3/4", once I've trimmed off a little more (or maybe even 14 1/2", if I decide to take another 1/4" off the bottom; those proportions are still not looking quite right to me). Based on the reference pics juliet76 uploaded to the gallery, I estimate this will be anywhere from 5 to 6 inches in width.
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Let me know if you need any closer reference pictures of particular areas Spartan II, it's looking awesome so far! I've sent you a PM in regards to your blueprints... concerning... stuff. :p

In regards to the reference pictures that I posted here in the gallery a big thanks to 23Magnum for deleting one picture that I double posted. I felt like such a noob! lol.
juliet76 said:
Let me know if you need any closer reference pictures of particular areas Spartan II, it's looking awesome so far! I've sent you a PM in regards to your blueprints... concerning... stuff. :p

In regards to the reference pictures that I posted here in the gallery a big thanks to 23Magnum for deleting one picture that I double posted. I felt like such a noob! lol.

Yes, I know :) PM replied to, good buddy.

As for the the ref pics you so graciously posted for my benefit, if I need anything in particular I'll let you know. Thanks again! :cool

EDIT: I just noticed the time I posted this was 1:17 AM. Kewl, lol.
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Okay, update time! A lot's happened since my last post here :)

Like with the SPNKr, I've gone through four drafts for the side profile view, lol. Took some doing to get the proportions just right (per my anal-retentive standards for accuracy), but am confident I have drawn up a respectful representation of the in-game model.

I've taken a few pics to show the progress and changes from draft to draft, but as the batteries just died in my digital camera and I'm over at the gf's place at the moment, I'll have to post said WiP pics later on.

Now that I'm mostly done with this one, I can then move onto the dorsal (top) and ventral (bottom) views, which should be much easier by comparison. Should be able to get those done within the next week.

P.S., As of these final revisions, the SPARTAN Laser now measures in at 42 1/4" long by 14 3/4" tall; only about 7" shorter than the SPNKr. Still have to determine the width of it (I figure at least 5", if not wider). It nicely fills in eight 8 1/2 by 11 sheets of printer paper.
So, I managed to charge the batteries for my camera. Now, onto the pics:

Splaser Schematic -- Draft # 02

Splaser Schematic -- Draft # 01/02 Comparison

Splaser Schematic -- Draft # 03

Splaser Schematic -- Draft # 02/03 Comparison

Splaser Schematic -- Draft # 04

Splaser Schematic -- Draft # 03/04 Comparison

Splaser Schematic -- Reference Pic

Throughout the above progress pics, you can see the gradual changes made from one draft to the next. As of the fourth draft (compared to the reference pic I posted last), I'm confident I pretty much "hit it on the head".

Now I can scan in the completed side profile and e-mail it to the member who made the request, while I work on the dorsal and ventral views.

Questions and/or comments are welcome.

EDIT: I realized the first pic I posted of the fourth draft did not show some of the final details. Here is an updated pic of the final draft --> Splaser Schematic -- Draft # 04/Pic 02.
Wow. That looks really great! It beats me how you do such a great job on multiple sheets like that Spartan II, I don't think I'd be able to do it.

Good work with the detailing too. It's not exactly easy to know how much fine detail to add without making the blueprint cluttered and hard to work off of for the builder. That's why a good set of reference pictures can help the builder add those fine little details that give the finishing touches to a prop.

Looking forwaard to seeing the other views mate. ;)
Tandhem said:
Im building a splaser myself. and i will be using these refernece shots and schematics :)

I consider it the highest compliment when someone says they want to use my schematics for doing their own builds. Thanks.

Sc0ped91 said:
very nice drawings

Why, thank you!

Loess said:
Very nice work, there SII.

Thanks, buddy. I do try, lol.

juliet76 said:
Wow. That looks really great! It beats me how you do such a great job on multiple sheets like that Spartan II, I don't think I'd be able to do it.

Good work with the detailing too. It's not exactly easy to know how much fine detail to add without making the blueprint cluttered and hard to work off of for the builder. That's why a good set of reference pictures can help the builder add those fine little details that give the finishing touches to a prop.

Looking forwaard to seeing the other views mate. ;)

BOLD # 1: Heh. Well thanks, my good friend. I don't know what else to say. I just do what I can with my inherent artistic skills, is all.

BOLD # 2: I know what you mean about too much/too little detail. The member who requested these asked for only a mid-quality side profile, just to give him the overall shape/outline of it. But, I don't think I'm capable of doing any schematic with just the minimal details, given my anal-retentive standards for detail and accuracy, lol.

So, I decided to go all out on it. He was extremely pleased with my efforts on this (his exact words were "holy $#!T!!! dude that looks SO GOOD"). Of course, without those awesome reference pics you posted for me, I doubt I would've been able to get it done to this level of quality. So, thanks again buddy.

Since I'm in the process of transferring my previous works to the larger paper format, I figure once I've got this set done I'll do the same with it, after I've finished doing that with the SPNKr schematics. Might as well, imho. I am trying to move away from the "old" method, after all.
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