And here begins the next installment of schematics I'm currently working on for a fellow 405th member; the SPARTAN Laser. To get right to the point (I know everyone just wants to see pics, lol), this is what I managed to get done over the course of the weekend:
Splaser Schematic -- Draft # 01/Pic 01
Splaser Schematic -- Draft # 01/Pic 02
The first pic shows what I got done before I finally decided to take a short break (had been working on it for... um... well, a "few" hours anyway
). The second pic shows most of the details now drawn into it. Just a few more to put in.
I decided to use some existing design elements from the SPNKr Rocket Launcher (seen lightly traced out underneath), such as the placement of the forward grip, trigger and shoulder brace. Figured they'd probably be the same for both weapons, if going with the assumption that the UNSC would make some things standard on similar-type weaponry. This does measure in a little shorter than the SPNKr, by a little more than a foot, but has a lot more to the main body than the SPNKr does.
The majority of what is seen above was done on Saturday. I would've been able to put more time into it later in the weekend, but the gf and I had a couple friends over at the house for dinner on Sunday. So, no time to work, lol.
I already know there are some things that will need to be "tweaked" (need to shorten it by 1/4" height-wise, lengthen the rear portion by about 4") so that the details are the proper distance from one another, based on the reference material I was using.
Oh, speaking of which... what you see above I ended up doing with just two pics -- one posted by Leyton in my "In Search Of..." thread, and a very small blueprint pic -- as I lost my internet connection part-way through Saturday and wasn't able to reference the awesome pics juliet76 posted in the gallery here for me.
Thanks for that btw, buddy (they'll really help me figure out the rest of the sizing/placement of the details)
So, all in all, considering what I had to work with to get started on this, I'd say even with the few glaring flaws in size it came out pretty well.
Anyway, there you have it. That's my progress thus far with this set. Questions and comments welcome.
P.S., For anyone wondering, yes, I am doing these based on my "old" method of 8 1/2 by 11 sheets taped together. The reason being the member I'm doing these for requested it, so it'll be easier for me to scan it in and then e-mail it to him. I didn't have my regular paper on hand at the gf's place, but once I'm done it'll be on line-less printer paper.
Splaser Schematic -- Draft # 01/Pic 01
Splaser Schematic -- Draft # 01/Pic 02
The first pic shows what I got done before I finally decided to take a short break (had been working on it for... um... well, a "few" hours anyway
I decided to use some existing design elements from the SPNKr Rocket Launcher (seen lightly traced out underneath), such as the placement of the forward grip, trigger and shoulder brace. Figured they'd probably be the same for both weapons, if going with the assumption that the UNSC would make some things standard on similar-type weaponry. This does measure in a little shorter than the SPNKr, by a little more than a foot, but has a lot more to the main body than the SPNKr does.
The majority of what is seen above was done on Saturday. I would've been able to put more time into it later in the weekend, but the gf and I had a couple friends over at the house for dinner on Sunday. So, no time to work, lol.
I already know there are some things that will need to be "tweaked" (need to shorten it by 1/4" height-wise, lengthen the rear portion by about 4") so that the details are the proper distance from one another, based on the reference material I was using.
Oh, speaking of which... what you see above I ended up doing with just two pics -- one posted by Leyton in my "In Search Of..." thread, and a very small blueprint pic -- as I lost my internet connection part-way through Saturday and wasn't able to reference the awesome pics juliet76 posted in the gallery here for me.
Thanks for that btw, buddy (they'll really help me figure out the rest of the sizing/placement of the details)
So, all in all, considering what I had to work with to get started on this, I'd say even with the few glaring flaws in size it came out pretty well.
Anyway, there you have it. That's my progress thus far with this set. Questions and comments welcome.
P.S., For anyone wondering, yes, I am doing these based on my "old" method of 8 1/2 by 11 sheets taped together. The reason being the member I'm doing these for requested it, so it'll be easier for me to scan it in and then e-mail it to him. I didn't have my regular paper on hand at the gf's place, but once I'm done it'll be on line-less printer paper.