Busa Mold

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New Member
I have just finished my Hayabusa helmet and i'm very happy with it. I really would like to mold it so that my friends can have the helmet to, but i'm not sure about the best method. The helmet has spikes witch i'm sure everyone is aware of :rolleyes and i'm wondering what the easiest and most effective method of molding this helmet would be. If anyone could help me out it would be much appreciated.

PS here is the helmet in this video

First off I bought the following items:

Rubber Gloves (protect hands)
Respirator (protect lungs)
Goggles (protect eyes)
Popcycle Sticks (to stir materials)
Plastic Cups (to hold materials)
Paint Brushes (to paint on materials)
Tin or Clay (to make devider for Plasti-Paste® II)
Dragon Skin - 1 Gallon Unit $205.96 (with tax and shipping)
Alternate Rubber: Rebound 25 - 1 Gallon Unit $205.96 (with tax and shipping)
Plasti-Paste® II - 1 Gallon Unit $82.31 (with tax and shipping)

If I can think of anything else I will let you know.

Here is what I plan on doing for the shell. I am making three pieces.
1. The front portion all the way to the tip of the small spikes.
2. The left side of the back portion going to the middle of the big spike.
3. The right side of the back going to the middle of the big spike.

I will do a better image if you need it. I used paint on this puter. I have PS on my puter.

I will let you know if we make any changes. I hope this helps.

Just a quick note though, it's alright to make copies for your friends, but don't mass produce or sell them. There is a major copyright and license issue with making our own armor already, and it's by the courtesy and pure awesome of Bungie that they haven't shut us all down with ugly lawsuits. Selling helmets without a licence for a profit (like you're video's are saying) is infringing that allowance and could put you in a VERY ugly situation.

I would play it safe until you contact one of the mods concerning that...probably better to be safe than sorry mate.
But if you sell them to only your friends and demand respect
that's something else....
Just kidding, nice job on the helmet. I would personally make a
one mold and use the slush method. Probably brush the plastic
into the spikes first, then shlush.
Bungie gave us the right to make armor for personal use without and issues. Yes you can not mass produce for business but you can use them for your friends. There is nothing wrong legally or morally with you making a mold and cast.

I agree with Ithica, you make a really cool suit of a really cool game, your friend gets jealous, you mold and cast your really cool suit and now both you and your friend look really cool.

No monetary gain, just making a friend happy.

On-Topic: I would do a three part mold if I was molding a Hayabusa Helmet.
Didn't you already make some cast from your previous mold?

Well the best method i would the suggest is the two part mold, where you mold one half then the other. But a another good one is the one part mold ( whichi think you did)

If you're sugesting molds to use that: Rebound 25, Mold max 30,dragon skin.
you want to avoid any seemlines over any of the details. its alot harder to sand and keep from repairing the details
Thanks a lot guys, you really helped me out a lot. I didn't know it was against the law to sell the helmets, I won't anymore. :( But I really got a lot of help from you guys in the mold making forum. Thanks for the advice
You can sell for cost. Just don't make a business out of it. I am uploading a video showing you some stuff so when it is done I will post a link to the thread in here so you can use it. It is the molding process.

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