Visor Mold Assistance


New Member
So long story short I made a challenge for myself to make multiple Halo helmets for my family and I'm not the most experienced when it comes to cosplay building.

So I am starting by making a hommade vacuum former. But I don't know the process on how to start with a mold. To be specific I want to know how to make a mold for the Mark VI. If anyone could give me some tips that would be greatly appreciated

It would be helpful to know what you are going to make you visor Buck (the term for the solid object that the heated plastic is pulled over) out of.

Assuming you are 3D printing and not going the old school route of a pepakura or even MDF carved buck, You can do it with a 3D printed visor, but remember will be subjected to heat and pressure, so you will want to reinforce the buck , in addition to smoothing it out as much as possible, so that it can withstand the heat and suction of the vacuum forming process.

It would be helpful to know what you are going to make you visor Buck (the term for the solid object that the heated plastic is pulled over) out of.

Assuming you are 3D printing and not going the old school route of a pepakura or even MDF carved buck, You can do it with a 3D printed visor, but remember will be subjected to heat and pressure, so you will want to reinforce the buck , in addition to smoothing it out as much as possible, so that it can withstand the heat and suction of the vacuum forming process.
I see. I am planning on 3d printing it but I will be sure to use a heat resistant material. Thank you for your help
I will probably post my prosses and I hope you check it out
I 3D print my bucks in PLA. They are sacrificial, but I can usually get 2 good pulls, MAYBE 3 before the buck's quality is noticeably affected. Make sure you have something underneath the buck to prevent it from snapping under the pressure, and to prevent the plastic from forming under the buck, making it impossible to remove. I usually print the visor buck facing the sky with 100% support angle, so it is entirely supported from the bottom.
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