
New Member
I'm looking to buy a 3D printer for convenience and trying to start some armor sets and props from Halo and animes. I've always had friends print stuff off for me and just the wait, trying to find the time to get the print is a hassle along with assuming the print quality is good.
So I figured I'd invest into one. The questions is what does everyone use? I've been recommended a Sovol SV06 Plus, I want something with more print size so I was looking at the Neptune 4 Max. The price difference from my digging is only about $60.

Does anyone have a Neptune 4 Max? Any other recommendations are welcomed.

I'm going to be using PETG, I've had stuff made from PLA and ive had issuse with heat and stuff bending and melting.
Last year I was new to 3D printing and had no clue what was best. After some research I ordered a Bambu Lab P1S and have no regrets. I built my ODST armor with it and am currently working on a Helldivers kit.

Here is a photo of my ODST all printed with the P1S.


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Here is an example of the quality of the P1S. Fresh off the printer.


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I'm looking to buy a 3D printer for convenience and trying to start some armor sets and props from Halo and animes. I've always had friends print stuff off for me and just the wait, trying to find the time to get the print is a hassle along with assuming the print quality is good.
So I figured I'd invest into one. The questions is what does everyone use? I've been recommended a Sovol SV06 Plus, I want something with more print size so I was looking at the Neptune 4 Max. The price difference from my digging is only about $60.

Does anyone have a Neptune 4 Max? Any other recommendations are welcomed.

I'm going to be using PETG, I've had stuff made from PLA and ive had issuse with heat and stuff bending and melting.

A good place to start is to check out these threads

To get some insight into others' experiences with various 3d printers.
A good place to start is to check out these threads

To get some insight into others' experiences with various 3d printers.
Thank you I appreciate it!
As another P1S user, you can get some really clean prints off of it. I've attached two pictures of my ODST Shoulders which came out pretty much perfect. This was printed in the Bambu Matte Grey. If you're looking at buying filament, I can recommend the Bambu refills. With their deals it works out to every 4th one being free. Might not be the best deal on the market, but its some really good filament imo.

As another P1S user, you can get some really clean prints off of it. I've attached two pictures of my ODST Shoulders which came out pretty much perfect. This was printed in the Bambu Matte Grey. If you're looking at buying filament, I can recommend the Bambu refills. With their deals it works out to every 4th one being free. Might not be the best deal on the market, but its some really good filament imo.

View attachment 352256 View attachment 352257
Honestly those are pretty clean, I appreciate the recommendation. I'm going to look into a P1S also thanks for specifying the Filament, I've been watching YT videos, they're helpful but not many of them are printing Armor so it's nice to have people's opinion that do it.
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