C2E2 2020 Info and Roll Call: Feb 28th - Mar 1st

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As of now 12 listed confirmed for at least one day with 2 tentative. Looking forward to this.

Do we have a list of possible dinner locations that we can pick one?
We havent made a list yet but we could do a poll of a few options? What say you NobleofDeath16?

Also if anyone is planning on getting a 3-day pass and you havent yet, I just saw on C2E2s facebook page that 3 days are almost sold out.
I'll be attending Saturday(only)! Wife may be accompanying me as well. I'll probably be driving. So hopefully there will be parking if I show up around 8-9am :)
I'll be attending Saturday(only)! Wife may be accompanying me as well. I'll probably be driving. So hopefully there will be parking if I show up around 8-9am :)
I would aim for closer to 8 than 9 so you have to suit up before the shoot in case the line for parking sucks. The shoot is at 10
Also follow up.. How long are the pre registration lines usually? If say I arrived at 8-8:40.
Don't wanna miss the photo shoot.
Do we have any idea of how many spartans/marines/odst/covenant/flood are going?

I'm going as reach army just need to really speed build my set up xD
NobleofDeath16 can you changed me to confirmed. and maybe it'd be fun to organize by Spartan/ODST/marine (we were talking about it in the discord).
i'll be ODST as well.
Changed to confirmed. I added plus ones as well to those who mentioned it. And dinner plans have been officially posted.

As well as that, our planned photographers have received and are reviewing photoshoot sites and the photo master list materials for the convention. We expect to have an answer by the end of the week.
Marine most likely (very very slim chance of Spartan)
Changed to confirmed. I added plus ones as well to those who mentioned it. And dinner plans have been officially posted.

As well as that, our planned photographers have received and are reviewing photoshoot sites and the photo master list materials for the convention. We expect to have an answer by the end of the week.
Awesome thank you! I will not be attending dinner to let you know.
Aaaaaand the Spartan is out of commission for awhile until I can get my V2 Deadeye helmet printed :cry:

Good thing I started that Marine build huh?
16 days! Its really creeping up fast on us!

Looking forward to meeting up with those I met at HOD, and finally meeting those who weren't able to make it/are new to the group.

That said, who all is planning on being around on Friday? I'll be getting in sometime Thursday evening.
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Looking forward to meeting up with those I met at HOD, and finally meeting those who weren't able to make it/are new to the group.

That said, who all is planning on being around on Friday?
Jonah and I are checking in Thursday
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