C2E2 2025 Info and Roll Call: April 11th, 2025 - April 13th, 2025

Can 100% confirm a foam marine can be done in time. Using DFT files it can be constructed even by someone who's a beginner w/ foam in a matter of days. 3D printing will depend on number of printers, speed of printing, how quickly you can finish, etc. but it's still possible to get enough for people to know you're a marine in time even if not "fully finished."
Can 100% confirm a foam marine can be done in time. Using DFT files it can be constructed even by someone who's a beginner w/ foam in a matter of days. 3D printing will depend on number of printers, speed of printing, how quickly you can finish, etc. but it's still possible to get enough for people to know you're a marine in time even if not "fully finished."
I second fallens' suggestion, DFT ar.or goes together relatively quick and a good introduction to foam work with it being not overly complicated.
Appreciate all the tips! If I make it this year it'll be as a globby, disgruntled marine. Otherwise I'll catch you guys another time in (hopefully) a complete armor set!
We are going to need to start a carpool section on the spreadsheet, i have space to sleep sunday at my place after the con. But parking is limited. Please try and carpool if possible
For the folks who are staying at MNKr's; I assume we'll leave early friday morning to make it to the con in time for opening? Roughly what would those times look like?

If I have stuff that I want to display at the booth (helmets, flags, gravity hammer, etc) should I bring that when I arrive for con open friday morning? Or should I send it with someone with an exhibitor badge so it can go in earlier? Or is the booth entirely full of stuff and we can't fit anything extra?

Also, last year I remember we had a little closet sectioned off for storing suits. Do we have that again this year and will I be able to use it without an exhibitor badge? Or should I keep everything a few blocks away in the hotel? I'd prefer not to do that but I'll make it work if I don't have the option.
I'll be checking into my hotel Thursday evening, so I can't help you w/ the crew leaving MNKr's Friday. If you have items specifically for display you'd like me to stash in my hotel room though I can do that. The booth is not yet entirely full at this point.

These have been posted in various channels, but I never shared it here. This is the general layout planned for the booth. Longsword Battalion is providing the walls on the lefthand side, and Harvest Battalion is working on the walls for the little room. There are 3 prop racks in the setup, representing the pegboard rack, one is a turtle rack w/ double rifle rests setup, and one is either going to be another turtle rack or a new item that someone is working on. Other than the location of walls everything is subject to change when we're actually getting set up.

Screenshot 2025-03-08 082956.png Screenshot 2025-03-08 083010.png Screenshot 2025-03-08 083027.png

The room is not particularly large given the number of people we have going, so I'm adding this in advance that we won't be able to store everyone's crates inside that room. We are going to be located near where we were last year in the sense that those changing rooms that were near us last year will be close by again. I encourage you all to utilize those if anyone doesn't want to go back to their room to suit up or gear down.
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