C2E2 2025 Info and Roll Call: April 11th, 2025 - April 13th, 2025

The people have spoken!

so...... bad news

I have 3 classes this upcoming winter semester. The final exam dates are smack-dab overtop of C2. Unless I get lucky enough that all 3 exams take place the before the weekend I will not be able to attend :( :( :( :( :( :(

Currently begging for a refund on my ticket

There will be no way of knowing exam dates until the end of march. If the convention was a week later like is was last year it would have worked out. Sorry fellas
Mark me as tentative, will know more by January where I stand money wise. I need to make up for missing most of TORG. I'll look into what it'd take to get the Ghost down there, but it may not be an option, or very feasible to ride it around in there.
Mark me as tentative, will know more by January where I stand money wise. I need to make up for missing most of TORG. I'll look into what it'd take to get the Ghost down there, but it may not be an option, or very feasible to ride it around in there.
If not at least a section of the ring
Mark me as tentative, will know more by January where I stand money wise. I need to make up for missing most of TORG. I'll look into what it'd take to get the Ghost down there, but it may not be an option, or very feasible to ride it around in there.
You message me directly. We will make it work

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