I should be able to help with some shifts, but my priority will be the Star Wars groups. Just need to wait for all that scheduling to get sorted. Sorry I can't confirm any availability at this time.
My suit will all be 3d printed yes. If I have time I'll even be 3d printing the hexagonal fabric to make a corset like I did for my spouse's Chief armor.

I'm building Palmer's armor from Halo 4
3D printed fabric??? Colour me intrigued! Do you have a build thread or tutorial for it? I'd love to see it!
3D printed fabric??? Colour me intrigued! Do you have a build thread or tutorial for it? I'd love to see it!
I haven't set up a thread for it yet as it was a rushed thing last year but I will be. But I basically built a hexagon corset for VonSnake Master Chief. It's being upgraded right now as a lot of the base fabric tore apart (ironically the hexagons were the most reliable part) Below is a pic from Game Con Canada when it had it's first trial run.


I haven't set up a thread for it yet as it was a rushed thing last year but I will be. But I basically built a hexagon corset for VonSnake Master Chief. It's being upgraded right now as a lot of the base fabric tore apart (ironically the hexagons were the most reliable part) Below is a pic from Game Con Canada when it had it's first trial run.
Ooh I did see a hint of it in one of your threads but didn't realize it was 3D printed onto fabric! That is extremely cool. I've seen some similar projects, but always only as a loosely draped over-layer, never as something more shaped/structured. I'll have to keep something like that in mind for future projects because I really love this idea!
Ooh I did see a hint of it in one of your threads but didn't realize it was 3D printed onto fabric! That is extremely cool. I've seen some similar projects, but always only as a loosely draped over-layer, never as something more shaped/structured. I'll have to keep something like that in mind for future projects because I really love this idea!
I'll let you know once I get the full thread set up on how it was built. I'll have more examples of it once I got to build one for myself for my Palmer suit, as hopefully that will be less rushed lol.
I was planning to do a booth but I was denied sadly. So I am available where needed! I have a uniform costume so I can wear it all day and help others in armor.
So since i had gotten a new job my schedule has slightly changed. Not super drastic but i probably wont be able to help mich on thursday. Depending on what time im available ill still come by and help where i can that day. Friday-sunday are still good tho! Apologies for the change
So since i had gotten a new job my schedule has slightly changed. Not super drastic but i probably wont be able to help mich on thursday. Depending on what time im available ill still come by and help where i can that day. Friday-sunday are still good tho! Apologies for the change
All good. I'm doing my best to put aside my bitterness and actually go to the expo, so I'll be around to cover etc. as well as Zylenko being an extra available body too.
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