Cardboard prop M1911 in 3 Days

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New Member
This is an ok prop of the Colt 1911 i made in 3 days for my friends Drama work
Its made from cardboard a layer of paper and then spraypaint
Its not great but i would love to hear your feedback



you can see some videos about it on my youtube account here:
FYI i'm 14 nearly 15 don't expect Elite quality
This is an ok prop of the Colt 1911 i made in 3 days for my friends Drama work
Its made from cardboard a layer of paper and then spraypaint
Its not great but i would love to hear your feedback

FYI i'm 14 nearly 15 don't expect Elite quality

The general shape and size seem fine, and it's recognisable as an automatic pistol. My advice would be that instead of using a layer of paper to cover the card base, try using foamies instead. That would cover up the corrugations better and allow you to cut better surface details using a VERY sharp knife (X-Acto or similar). As a first scratch built weapon attempt it would seem fine for drama project.
I didn't actualy carve any details into it after I stuck the blocks of cardboard together
It had to be 2 cm wide and each layer of cardboard is 2mm so i cut some layers diffrently to others stuck them together
Then i cut out paper to stick on to make it white before spray painting it

I actualy started from a scale drawing i made which i used as a reference for the middle layers
I like to do scale drawings of guns :) i drew a scale M24 awhile ago 4 sheets of paper long
oh and i like lego too

edit: is that off subject?
dat sniper


Anyways, the M1911 looks fine for a three-day project using what you had. I'm actually pretty surprised with the amount of detail you managed to fit on it (sights, ejection chamber thing, etc.) Plus, if it's for something drama-related, chances are the audience won't be able to tell if it's not perfect since they're far away from it.
I would recommend using something like the cardboard on cereal boxes for a final layer. It makes it smooth, without adding much thickness. However, for what it it, it's great! And yes, I agree with the above post. that sniper is AMAZING!
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